Chapter 9 ✔️

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After showering and changing into a simple flower dress, which is very different from my typical style, but every so often I like to wear something different. I then decided to lay on my bed, and listen to some quiet music in the background while I read my favourite book for what felt like the 5th time. Despite it being the most handled book in my collection, it was in almost perfect condition.

I laid on top of my quilt, using the white daytime glow through my window to brighten up the page as my eyes followed every single word. I could never get sick of this book. It's impossible.

My hair draped across my pillow as I lost all sense of reality. It was like I myself was inside the fictional world that I so deeply wished I was in.

"You've already read that book." Christian stated obviously as he walked into my room, taking a seat at the end of my bed, robbing my attention from my book.

"And? It's a good book." I laughed, marking my page before placing it down on my bedside table and sat up to look at my father. I rested my hands loosely in my lap and lent forward slightly so that I could talk to Christian, because he definitely wanted to talk about something.

"I'll take your word for it." He smiled softly at me, which received one back. He loved me like I was his biological daughter. I know that I'm a stereotypically difficult person, but Christian embraced it. I couldn't imagine him as someone who isn't my father. He took care of me and I am beyond grateful.

"Did you want something?" I asked curiously.

"No. We just haven't spoken much and I wanted to see what was going on in your life recently. You seem happier." He answered, which made my breathing hitch as I bit the inside of my cheek. Christian can read me like a child's picture book.

"Well, I made a friend. Her name is Bella Swan. She's fairly quiet and a bit shy, but she's so nice. She's pretty and maybe a little bit crazy." I briefly described to my father, who let out a chuckle.

"Why is she crazy?" Christian asked with confusion and a slight smile.

"She knows about the you, Isaac and the Cullens, yet she didn't run for the hills. That's how." I chuckled, taking Christian by surprise.

"Okay, it makes sense now," he laughed lightly. "How'd she find out?"

"When she nearly got hit by the car and came out without a scratch because Edward stopped the car with his bare hand caused her to get curious. I'm also pretty sure Edward wanted her to find out so that it wasn't technically his fault if she did her research and found out herself. She's smart, I'll give you that. Lacks common sense, but smart." I explained. "I offered to help her take care of herself. I gave her a few pointers over coffee and she's agreed to let me help her. I don't want her getting hurt because she fancied a vampire." I care deeply for Bella. She was technically my best friend and I know how hard it is in this world as a human who knows. I want to help her as much as i can.

"You're a lovely person, Thea." He said, making me smile.

"I try,"

"Is she the friend that has you smiling so much?" He wondered, causing my eyes to go wide. Shit, I just gave away that she wasn't. "Is it someone else? A different girl? A boy?" He was analysing my face as he spoke. "What's the boys name? One of Isaac's friends? Jasper?" I don't know how to hide things from Christian.

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