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CP:421 must be given a gallon of blood every twelve hours, this blood must be at least 50% human. 422 is to be restrained during feeding and the blood needs a sedative. 421 is kept in a standard containment cell, monitored 24/7 by eight cameras.

D:421 is a young girl who claims to have been born in vectorian London, which has no proof. 421 doesn't age instead getting sick and weak without blood(this also causes her to be more agressive). At present we are trying to ween off 421, and make it so she doesn't have to use humans as a food source. At present 421 hasn't shown any other abilities. 421 was found hunting down predatory humans. Note From Dr William Lydermyer- I would let little Angelina go, she's quite a helpful lass. 

File #3       DRF-395 to DRF-594Where stories live. Discover now