CP:428 is contained within a standard containment room, alongside its most recent victims. guards are to not let 428s victims out of their binds, under any circumstances. save for tests or examinations.
D:428 is an apron, used for lab experiments. 428 has several patches showing acid damage, though no acids have been shown to damage it. 428 will infect those who touch or wear it. those infected will be known as 428-A. 428-A are the infected alongside a replica of 428 and a M-38 gas mask. 428-A will seek out people, and kill them via acid made by them. 428 was located in {redacted} within the mass grave of bodies.
File #3 DRF-395 to DRF-594
Science Fictioncollection of files. I took inspiration from things such as SCP Foundation. though each file is hopefuly mine or my friends ideas if you want to make your own file, send me it and ill post it. of course ill give you the credit for that file