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CP:405 is kept within a glass container on a 2 m high pedestal, that remains within a standard containment room. This containment room has been outfitted with for security cameras which are to be monitored at all times in case of a breakup within 100meters. All personnel working alongside 405 are advised to not engage in any relationships with the other staff members as that may cause unforeseen circumstances to become unavoidable.

D: 405 is a crystal version of an atomically correct heart, it has been found that 405 will beat in intervals of 1 hour. These intervals will increase has the number of humans within its range engage in relationships that means specifically entering a relationship and staying within that relationship. Four fives negative effects only occur when a relationship is broken, the effect is different per method of breaking the relationship. The negative effect that we have found as of present follows

Cheating: the partner that Sheetz will suffer from cardiac arrest and will die within 10 minutes.

No longer in love with each other: of subjects will suffer from mood springs and depressive episodes for up to a month after breaking up which usually leads to finding a new partner.

Natural Death of a partner: if the partner dies 45 will cause the surviving partner to suffer from suicidal tendencies for up to four months depending on the length of the relationship.

Accidental death: 405 will cause the subject to seek to take others with them to enable their dead partner to have a happy afterlife. This primarily means they will kill other people for their love in the afterlife.

Murdered partner: if the partner has been murdered then four or five will cause the subject to become highly aggressive for up to 3 months and continuously look for the assailant.

Killed by partner: if one partner kills the other 405 will cause the partner to terminate themselves.

405 was located when {reacted information}.

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