C: Safe Moderate
CP: Instances of 516 are to be contained in an area of protected land identified and designated as {redacted}. It is to be surrounded by a high fence, high enough to prevent unauthorized access. Two guards are to be on duty at all times outside of {redacted}, and the fence is to be electrified and monitored.
However, due to the nature of 516-1 and 516-2, these measures are considered insufficient and have not been updated since 516 was recovered.
Description: 516 is a set of inscribed tablets, ranging in size from 5m to over 20m. All 516 are circular and appear similar in shape to a child's sand table. The outer surface of each tablet is coated with reddish-brown dust, with no visible markings or cracks. Small cuts are present on all tablets, some appearing as small scratches, others being small cuts of varying lengths. Fragments of bone, cloth, and similar materials are occasionally found within these cuts. 516-1 and 516-2 are unable to be moved more than 5 meters away from eachother. And at random instances will bring forth, {redacted}
File #3 DRF-395 to DRF-594
Science Fictioncollection of files. I took inspiration from things such as SCP Foundation. though each file is hopefuly mine or my friends ideas if you want to make your own file, send me it and ill post it. of course ill give you the credit for that file