CP:499 is unable to be contained. Those who have been found to be influenced by 481 are to be treated properly, and taken into custody of foundation personal.
D:499 is a television program run by The Puppeteer, a marionet figure who will teach kids to torture and kill their parents. This program has a memetic effect which causes said kids to kill their parents. When agents raided said operation area, they found several humans who had no recollection of what had happened. And The Puppeteer, was found to be a costume with a human who had no memory of being in the suit. Still, the show continues.
File #3 DRF-395 to DRF-594
Ciencia Ficcióncollection of files. I took inspiration from things such as SCP Foundation. though each file is hopefuly mine or my friends ideas if you want to make your own file, send me it and ill post it. of course ill give you the credit for that file