CP: Safe
CP: Class P staff are to be assigned to 572 at the rate of one staff member per week. Despite the rate, as of 4/14/20██ no additional Class P staff have been assigned to 572. The maintenance of this minimum staff cannot be compromised.
D: 572 is an unoccupied one-story home located at ██45 ███ Road, ████████████, ██████████, ██████████, ██████████. It has no windows, and has several structural damage, with most damage caused by gunshots. The first contact with 572 occurred on ██/██/20██, where Foundation personnel investigating the area came into contact with the building. The occupant, a 15-year-old boy named "Raymond Soto", was handcuffed and detained, and the following night a raid conducted on the structure turned up several improvised explosives and the discovery of two P-class personnel in the basement, dead with a gunshot wound to the head. After questioning, the boy began acting erratically, and attempted to escape by running through the police line, but was gunned down, killing him in the process.
File #3 DRF-395 to DRF-594
Science Fictioncollection of files. I took inspiration from things such as SCP Foundation. though each file is hopefuly mine or my friends ideas if you want to make your own file, send me it and ill post it. of course ill give you the credit for that file