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CP:429 is kept within a five meter by five meter standard containment cell, to be outfitted with wall paper resembling a forest, a fur carpet made of {redacted} fur. 429 has a specific diet, which is ground cockroaches in protein blocks(fed one block every six hours). 429 sleeps on a tatami mat, which is to be cleaned once a week.

D:429 is a Koran man, aged 27. 429 is shown to be able to be semi immortal, and stated he can only be killed by an arrow of mistletoe on the seventh year of the seventh month of the seventh day of the seventh hour of the seventh minute of the seventh second. effect, 429 can only be killed on a year that ends in seven, September seventh and at 7:07Am or Pm. 429 was in the military, using his ability to fight and kill. when 429 was working, none on his squad died. that is, until one did die. upon such 429 planned to self terminate. that's when we interfered.

File #3       DRF-395 to DRF-594Where stories live. Discover now