CP: 513 is to be maintained at a temperature no higher than +10°C and a humidity level no greater than 35% through the placement of a central air duct. It is to be visually inspected weekly for damage, and kept continuously under surveillance. Description: 513 was recovered from a collapsed section of ceiling in the basement of {redacted} an apartment building in {redacted}. The object was found by the cleaning crew, having seemingly crumbled itself out of the building's ceiling in the basement's small laundry room. The object was found to have no visible physical manifestation, and could be moved with no apparent effort.
D:513 is a six-and-a-half inch long metal piece of an unknown origin. 513 bears a strong resemblance to a reel-to-reel tape recorder, with a two-sided design. It has markings along the surface of its top half indicating information pertaining to the properties of the object itself. In between the markings, a metal plate bears the image of a human face, with the left side marked as female and the right as male. It is unknown if the two sides represent the same person, or if it represents two separate people. On each side of the object, a small slit is cut into the material. These slits are circular, with a depth of between 0.25mm to 0.5mm. The left side of the object, at the top, shows a small metal bar, with a button attached to its side. The button is silver, and appears to have a serial number. The object appears to contain the recorded sounds of victims. This recording is identical to a phone call made by the victims, before they died. However, the audio quality of the recording is significantly lower than that of the original. The sounds are only intelligible by recording the sound and playing it back through the object, at which point a second, unknown voice can be heard. The victim never mentions where he is calling from, nor what the victim is asking for, but a male voice is heard when played back.
File #3 DRF-395 to DRF-594
Science Fictioncollection of files. I took inspiration from things such as SCP Foundation. though each file is hopefuly mine or my friends ideas if you want to make your own file, send me it and ill post it. of course ill give you the credit for that file