FOUR ; incompatible.

637 45 43

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that godforsaken purple umbrella of na yunsol. as if deja vu, sunoo extended one arm holding the small, folding umbrella belonging to the timid radio president standing in front of him on her club's doorway. revisiting past mistakes, he had brought his entire backpack (that included his own umbrella) this time with him. 

although, the sun peeking out the clouds with pride and joy was not the most obvious sign of rain. 

yunsol fixed her gaze on her property. "surprised to see my umbrella not burnt into crisps, considering how adamant you were to refuse my offering at first," she said, instead of grabbing the umbrella from him. the subtle glint of amusement she held on her eyes as she glanced up to meet his own had sparked back his lost annoyment over her. she was obviously and intentionally making him hold onto it longer. and his arm was already aching already.

"oh, i'd never," he struck her with a charming smile, sick of her tactics and more than ready to get out. "can you please get your umbrella now?"


it felt like a whole eternity for her to finally take the umbrella from his hands. their fingertips mutually agreed not to initiate skinship as yunsol grabbed it by the end while sunoo immediately backed off his hands, returning them to his sides.

"thank you," he mumbled. "for letting me borrow your umbrella."

yunsol stared at him unblinkingly. she messed with her right ear as she said, "that's strange," she hummed, pretending to 'fix' her ears by touching them as if there was an option in them that could louden his voice. "i swore i heard you say something, however the volume of your voice was too soft for my ears to catch on. incoherent, basically."

he shot her a look, less charming and more annoyed. "that would not be my problem anymore, unfortunately," he bickered, making sure he rhymed with her irritating 'basically' that she had emphasized with a firmer tone despite her gentle speaking voice. 

he could ignore her and walk out, or thank her again louder. but, the words came out from his lips earlier before he could really think.

rather than getting offended, yunsol chuckled at his face. chuckled. close to a laugh, a smile. sunoo was getting a feeling that she was finding comedic relief over him being completely done with her.

"sunoo sunbae?" their heads peered behind after a third voice joined in. a feminine one. yunsol recognized the speaker first despite not being the one the newcomer called. "suin?" yunsol called. "did you forget something?" she glanced at her wristwatch. a designer rose gold watch that caught sunoo's eyes.

"club activities were already done over an hour ago already," yunsol looked at suin with her forearms crossed on her chest, the watch glinting underneath the sun's bright streaks seeping through the window.

suin shyly tucked a strand of hair over her ear. yunsol raised an eyebrow upon seeing the ear of one of the radio club's gifted scriptwriters and a year below her and sunoo blush. "i forgot something and, uh.." as if her tongue got tied, she was unable to utter or even mumble following words.

it was clear as day.

sunoo, on the other hand, followed suit after a delay of process in his head. "oh, lee suin!" he, too, like the sun beamed and glinted at her. "i didn't know you were in the radio club," he side-eyed yunsol. "must be tough."

"are you acquainted with suin?" yunsol asked him, ignoring his comment. before he could even answer, she quickly added, further interrupting him from more chatter, "i must have forgotten that you're friends with at least a fourth of the school's whooping population of more than tens of thousands."

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