THIRTEEN ; call it what you want.

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THE SPORTS FEST coincides with sunoo's favorite day, his own birthday. however, here he was in the student council room, planning for events rather than planning for his own birthday. true, yunsol had technically thrown him a party—but birthdays come once a year! it should be celebrated as much as possible.

"so, we tackled the sports fest proper. the athletics club would mainly be the one to host the fest and we'll extend our help as much as possible," sunghoon is sitting on the very center of the long table. sunoo sat on his left side and seola was across from him. his hands typed on his laptop rapidly with each word sunghoon says. being secretary meant he had to handle the minutes of the meeting, which was far more important than one could think.

"for our next agenda, we need a fundraising activity for the sports fest," sunghoon mentioned. "and many are requesting a beauty pageant."

sunoo's eyes shifted up in an instant. "let's do it," his eyes filled with fiery passion. school beauty pageants were his favorite events. it was fun seeing how these regular students would transform into these shining candidates and catwalk with full blown confidence in front of their classmates and peers. additionally, the question and answer portion was the best.

sunghoon gestured. "well, we are doing it because i think we'll get overthrown if not."

"a beauty pageant sounds nice," seola nodded. sunoo followed her movements enthusiastically. his mind was a working machine at an instant. "for starters, we should prepare a production number before they introduce themselves. they should wear their sports attire for that," he continued on with no intent in stopping. the rest of the officers listened keenly. "then, we'll hand out some minor awards—"

"good job, sunoo. very elaborate and probably the gist of the program that we will be using," sunghoon interrupted with some clapping. "sorry to interrupt, but i think i'll need you to type up your flow of the program digitally so we can print it out and discuss it, hm?"

sunoo gave him a small thumbs-up before clicking away on his keyboard before any idea slipped off his mind. there was an excitement bubbling up inside of him. mostly because yunsol was an athlete participating in the sports fest and he was certain she would dominate the beauty contest.

she is beauty and brains, after all.

"the contestants should probably be two representatives from each sport, one male and one female, since it is the sports fest after all," seola suggested. sunghoon gave an approving expression. sunoo had stopped typing all together upon hearing the entire suggestion. "it's a pair contest?" he asked.

"it will be, i guess," sunghoon answered.

"oh. one male and one female representative from each sport?"

"exactly what seola said. why?"

sunoo's face fell flat. "n.. nothing," he looked back at his laptop's screen. "i'll just continue typing because it's my job to do so."

yunsol hasn't been studying because of him and their weekly dates, so it was only proper of him to give her more time to herself and to studying. it was for the best that she wouldn't join the pageant.

sunghoon gave him a weird look before continuing on. "for our grand prize, i've been notified earlier by the admins and advisers that they are willing to sponsor tickets to jeju as the grand prize," sunghoon announced. sunoo's attention perked once again and his focus rediverted to the upcoming conversation at hand. seola hummed. "let's also give out two more tickets for plus ones, one per winner."

sunoo's eyes lifted away from his laptop. he wasn't even engaging with the spontaneous and expensive conversation, yet every bit was in favor for him.

jeju gave him and yunsol a rocky start, in which he takes no accountability to this day. but remembering the pristine waters and lush greeneries of jeju, evokes his longing for a calm escape.

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