ONE ; kiss, kiss fall in love!

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to answer her question, it would actually get progressively worse.

"you fucking man-stealing bitch!" a hand flew across the air and landed on yunsol's cheek. she stumbled backwards with the impact, falling down butt first on the floor with the impact. it probably was a miracle that her teeth did not fall out. maybe it only happens in movies? anywho, her butt hurted. very much. she groaned, a sharp, executing pain coming from her behind.

gasps from the students who were just minding their own business a second ago, similar to what yunsol was doing, were now startled when she was suddenly attacked out of nowhere.

yunsol rolled her head back, laughing to herself like a madwoman. her day was now officially shittier than the word shittier. if that ever made sense—it did for her because her day was very much shitty.

"you bitch. stop laughing. explain why my boyfriend was talking to you!" more dramatic gasps. and a couple of phones recording them. 

"i don't know him," she shrugged. she extended her arms on the back, and her legs forward. the ground felt cold and dirty on her palms. nevertheless, she relaxed herself on the floor. a smirk was painted on her red tinted lips. long eyelashes batted at her attacker. she tilted her head to the side, the rays of the sun giving emphasis to her sharp nose, and her sharp jaw. cheeks that had an uneven touch of pink. one from her cosmetics, the other a natural one obtained by a slap on the face. "can't believe you're pouncing on the wrong woman."

"liar! he was talking to you!" she did not foresee the hand that suddenly flew on top of her head and grasped a plentiful amount of her hair, before starting to yank it. 

AT THE SAME TIME, a pink-haired boy was humming a tune to himself. he was in the best mood. just like he was every day. he had just freshly exited the student council room and went down the flight of stairs down to the ground floor.

he made deliberate skips to the left, gradually slowing down when he saw a crowd forming a circle around something. it was noisy, full of yells and cheers. the pink-haired boy tilted his fully pink head. he tried to tiptoe to inspect what was happening, though not much luck.

he spotted an acquaintance and tapped her shoulder from behind. "what's going on over here? a fight?" he asked, eyes almost beaming with curiosity. his acquaintance nodded. he couldn't remember her name, but she instantly was flushed upon seeing his presence close to her. 

"yes. na yunsol and a second year. fighting over one guy."

sunoo raised an eyebrow with the mention of her name.

he shook his head in disbelief, folding his arms on his chest. "tsk, tsk. relationship troubles," he commented. na yunsol? an inner voice said inside his head. that girl. he rolled his eyes. he was proud to say he was friends with almost the whole school, but she was the only exception. and that would continue until he graduates.

"sunoo, shouldn't you stop them? you're a part of the student council."

the fact only hit sunoo at that very moment. 


he quickly squeezed his way to the masses of curious students, like him. except they did not have the duty to put a stop to this madness, unlike him.

"excuse me, student council!" he said, with each person he lightly pushed aside. the way was quickly loosened because kim sunoo was the one who was walking. 

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