PROLOGUE ; what happens in jeju, stays in jeju.

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KIM SUNOO DOES NOT BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCES, nor does he believe in fate. science is a theory. mathematics and calculus is also a theory, generally speaking. therefore, what's stopping all the sappy if we were truly destined by the universe, surely, in an oblate spheroid planet dominated by seven billion and more people, SURELY, we'll meet again obviously because the script writers made us the leads duh in dramas? what's the theory connecting destiny and aeronautical space? the universe might as well say a fuck you.

never forget the teary, glinting, glimmering, shimmering splendid teary eyes during those scenes—the cupping of cheeks—rain or snow in the background—all the angstal tension and whatsoever—and, sunoo will be tearing up, too.

sure, he openly admits he gets an ick or two whenever it's the tenth episode and that line comes into the picture. usually scenes like those enter mid-season, or like when too much conflict caused them to stir into a breaking point.

obviously, they get back together after the thirteenth episode onwards. because of k-drama logic. make it make sense.

those episodes are what sunoo dreads the most in romance k-dramas. miscommunication mostly becomes the number one enemy and barrier towards these fictional people's relationships that are purely fictional and made up, but he's unhealthily bothered and fed up due to their freaking lack of miscommunication.

couldn't they just talk?

couldn't they just sit down and communicate instead of giving up everything they had?

pushing each other away?

was it that hard to communicate that one could go to the lengths of forgive and forget without a justified explanation?

the thing about miscommunication and its magic is; it's annoying. most people dislike the trope. why? it's annoying and frustrating to be the invisible third person who has seen both what the characters are trying to hide and protect from the other. no matter how hard one would scream at the TV screen (don't do this, he advises), the characters would never hear you.

it's annoying. miscommunication is annoying because it could be realistic.

right now, however, sunoo was in the middle of a miscommunication trope. he thinks so. or maybe a misunderstanding trope. because he does not or could not understand anything.

the pristine waters of jeju island aren't visible given the amount of rainwater spouting down from the grey skies. it was raining cats, dogs, and probably horses with all the clouds crying and rumbling above.

and sunoo was holding an umbrella.

over the head of a foe, who was crying sat down on a bench continuously. her weeping battled with the intense weeping of the sky.

let's play back to the moment he and company were all boarding a plane headed to jeju islands, home of pristine waters and good food.

people were still continuously boarding and entering the plane and busily taking up the aisle and storing their luggages. the air was mixed with the subtly unscented, yet misty air from the air conditioning programmed above their heads, and obnoxious whiffs of perfumes sunoo did not take a liking off.

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