SIDE CHAPTER ; boyfriend material pictures.

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side chapter 01 - shim jaeyun, han gyeoul.

۫ ⋆ ࣪. ୧ ♡ ୨ ִ ۫ ⁎ .

HAN GYEOUL, aged seventeen, also a devoted fan of the boy group seventeen and a devoted member to other numerous fandoms of varying media, sole member of the photography club, and has an eye for pretty faces.

there was no need to feel shame. pretty faces, no matter gender, are her favorite view to look at. she was the type to crank her head [ slowly and non-creepily ] around if she spots a pretty person while walking in the mall.

she mostly likes taking candid pictures of any person that shows emotions, but her favorite subject would definitely be the prettiest people in the school.

hence why the moment she stepped inside her humble, compact club room and spotted a boy sleeping soundly on the one and only couch - she spotted the potential.

dark parted hair, long lashes, plump lips, sharp nose and jaw; everything she noticed in just one quick scan in the sleeping boy's peaceful face.

however the problem of a random person waltzing inside the threshold she fought long and hard from the student council was still unresolved. mostly because the lock on the door does not work and the janitor never bothered to fix it.

she lightly poked the boy with a tripod that was left leaning on the wall next to the door.

it took a couple of pokes until the boy groaned and started to flutter his eyes open. he lazily sat up on the couch, rubbing his eyes gently. "can i help you?" he mumbled hoarsely.

"you're sleeping in my clubroom," she pointed out. he was certainly handsome despite just waking up in a room that he shouldn't be in, with strands of his hair stuck up in his head, and a tie that was absolutely a mess.

"oh, is this not a janitor's closet?"

although, he seemed a little... clueless.

"well, do you see cleaning supplies?"

the boy looked around the room that only had a couch, a desk and a chair, in a daze. he proceeded to shake his head.

she gestured to the door without saying another word. "sorry to intrude," the boy stood up and dragged his feet out of the room.

gyeoul did a double take, realizing a fatal mistake.

"hey, wait."

the boy turned around his head to her direction.


"do you want a sleeping area in the school?"

۫ ⋆ ࣪. ୧ ♡ ୨ ִ ۫ ⁎ .

SHE MADE that offer to the boy named shim jaeyun, nicknamed jake, almost a year ago, in the guise that he could end up as a subject for her photos, but he had since made it clear that he'd rather join her club than be her subject.

in a way, gyeoul had an additional member for her club, and jake had a sleeping corner anytime.

"sleep," jake yawned while entering the room. gyeoul was on her laptop, unfazed by his sudden entrance. it was breaktime, thus the time for his usual scheduled fifteen minute naptime.

which was bizzare for gyeoul, because one, he could easily doze off the second he lies down, and two, who on earth would be satisfied with a fifteen minute nap?

"okay," she responded automatedly, eyes glued to the screen.

she heard him settling down on the couch. "wake me up?"

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