SIX ; push and pull.

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WEEKENDS were the extremly rare academic and extracurricular free day. and such a rare occasion was celebrated by sunoo by visiting the newly opened café that set blaze in social media platforms raving with positive reviews. perhaps, the good reviews were due to the café being open for less than a month. sunoo has seen cafés that had their quality go downhill after only a couple of months into business. on the other side of the coin, most of his favorite cafes in the city have been open for quite some time now.

he ordered a slice of Oreo cheesecake and a honey peach ale drink. the pricing was mediocre, not too cheap, yet not too expensive. it was decent, at most. he has seen worse pricing for an overly sweet dessert and a coffee that instant coffee bought in the local supermarket for cheap could easily overthrow. the taste of the cheesecake was alright. the taste of the oreo, tartness of the cheesecake, mixed with the sweetness were well-balanced and addictive to eat. sunoo took another bite of the cheesecake from this plate and chased it with his drink right after.

he sat by the window alone, busying himself mostly with his cellphone. he wasn't fond of reading books, which was a recurring activity that seemed to busy those in the neighboring tables around him. he decided to go to Instagram to kill some time. he posted a selfie he took a while ago on his Instagram story as soon as the app finished booting up with him posing with his food when it was newly served.

his photo was posted and he refreshed his feed. a latest post from han gyeoul popped up on the very top, posted hours ago. it was a five slide post that had a selfie of her and na yunsol wearing their uniforms behind a background of greenery and blue clouds as the first picture. he looked through the photos. the four remaining slides only had either gyeoul's solo pictures or scenery.

g.yeoulhan picnic date w/ @nayun_sol last wk!

he started typing a comment and posted it shortly after.

sunoo invite me next time ><

he started scrolling down, certain that he would receive a reply from gyeoul the next day or whenever, and he'd probably forget he commented in the first place.

although, a notification appeared on top of his screen. someone had replied to his comment.

nayun_sol replied to your comment: Sure

sunoo raised an eyebrow as the notification disappeared in a flash.

nayun_sol? yunsol? commented? he didn't know she could see him comment. he opened the notification and started eagerly typing away.

nayun_sol Sure

sunoo i was joking

nayun_sol I hope you'll never get invited at all

sunoo stared at the screen and at her latest, passive-aggressive comment that she left mere seconds after he sent his prior one. not even giving him time to react, another notification popped up. this time not a comment.

[@nayun_sol] started following you.

and another without a break for him to react to the first or second one.

nayun_sol replied to your story: Looking good

4:51 PM

Replied to your story.

Looking good.

i always am

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