EIGHTEEN ; i like the view, i like you.

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THE DINNER ended on an awkward note. despite the series of events that occured during dinner, sunoo couldn't still believe he got the chance to dine in such a fancy hotel.

he openly stared at the glamorous doors of the hotel as they exit. the same car they rode in earlier was waiting by the drop off area in front with one suited bodyguard standing by their car, ready to open the door for the family and their guest.

yunsol's parents walked ahead of them. sunoo followed their steps, but halted when he didn't notice yunsol walking alongside him.

he turned around and saw her staring at another car waiting behind theirs.

"hey," he called. "what's the matter?"

yunsol simply shook her head and caught up to him.

mrs na entered the car first gently assisted by mr na. if sunoo noted something positive about yunsol's sharp tongued father, it would be the fact that he was particularly soft for his wife.

mr na followed inside and before yunsol could join them, her father closed the car door shut in front of them. the bodyguard did not acknowledge the two teenagers left behind speechless and opened the passenger seat's door to go inside.

yunsol knocked on the window, a tad aggressively. "dad, what are you doing?" she loudly asked.

the window rolled down, revealing her dad's stern expression and her stepmother's bright smile that did not go along mr na's face at all. "the two of you will not be riding with us," he simply revealed.

"huh?" yunsol's brows furrowed at an instant. "dad, we're too tired to wait for a taxi. please don't do this."

mr na pointed at the midsize SUV that was blinking in hazard mode behind their car. he tossed her a key that yunsol clumsily caught out of instinct. "behind us is your car over there," he said.

"you can use it. as an..." he hesitated for a little upon meeting his daughter's puzzled eyes. "well, an apology for dinner."

mrs na immediately whispered loudly, unsatisfied by his hesitant and insincere sounding apology. "dearest," she gently told him. "be more specific please."

mr na quickly cleared his throat and looked ahead. "use it, as an apology for my behavior during dinner and because you made us proud for winning first place in a pageant," he said in all one breath. "text when you're home. drive safely."

his eyes shifted towards sunoo next and fixated on him. "and don't ever think of fooling around," he emphasized.

the heavy stare her father was giving him made sunoo want to bow down to the floor and apologize, but before he could utter another word, mrs na had moved her husband's head away with her palm to peer closer to the window.

"sunoo-ah, happy birthday!" she beamed at him.

mr na sighed and carefully moved her hand away from his face. "dear, what was that for?" he asked her. her wife was quick to shoot an inquisitive eyebrow at him, "you complaining?"

"oh, never, my dearest," he brought her hand to his lips to plant a gentle kiss on the back of her palm. mrs na ignored the gesture and instead returned her focus on the two teenagers standing outside, who both were trying to make sense of it all. "bye-bye, nayun! love you!" she blew her a kiss. she also bid sunoo an energetic goodbye as the car drove away and the window going up.

yunsol was waving her hand. sunoo was doubting reality.

"let's go," he heard her say after seeing her parent's car enter the main road. "i'll take you home," like a duck following its mother, he retraced yunsol's steps as she walked towards her car. she was seemingly neutral about the exchange, neither excited nor confused.

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