ELEVEN ; even better than the movies.

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SUNOO WAS weirdly tense.

everything about this date feels weird. perhaps it was the idea and the thought that he was going out on a date with na yunsol that made him feel weird inside. it wasn't a cutesy, first date feeling. it was unexplainable and much greater. although, he was struggling trying to come up with a coherent statement to say once he sees her.

on his hands was a medium sized paper bag from a known bookshop. he'd feel weird if he showed up at a date empty handed and he felt strange to bring flowers since yunsol's family practically owned a flower shop. chocolates were out of the question since she wasn't fond of sweets.

and so it is always a good feat to have a mutual friend.

Han Gyeoul

10:23 AM

what gift would yunsol like?


for the last time, i! will! not! give! her! a! pet! fish!

if he wanted to, he would 🤷‍♀️

just something ordinary please

why not jewelry

i don't think she'll appreciate jewelry that much?

very good.

Shared a file with you.

for your considerate heart, here is yunsol's reading list

she can't buy books herself cuz she banned herself from buying in case she overspends again

thank you. you're a life saver

anything 4 my favorite couple

uh huh...

shut up

he opened the PDF file that was ironically entitled, 'yunsol's reading list', and focused on the long, conveniently named section, 'books to buy'.

thus, that sums up the story on why he was holding a paper bag from a bookshop that had three books inside from that very list as he waited for yunsol to arrive.

-which was kinda taking a long time.

"are you alone?" sunoo turned around when he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. there he saw three girls staring back at him. "can we take a picture with you? you're so handsome!" one of them fawned. he noticed the quiet one of the trio already having her cellphone prepped in an angle that was directed towards him.

"uh," he wanted to plaster a friendly smile out of moral ethics, but he was annoyed. he blankly looked at them. "i'm waiting for my girlfriend."

"i'm sure your girlfriend wouldn't mind a simple picture!"

he. didn't. want. to. take. a. picture.

he was minding his own business and existing until strangers suddenly came up to him and asked for a picture. sure, he does have some following in his social media platforms, but these girls didn't look like they approached him because they know him per se.

"i don't know," he shrugged. "she gets jealous."

yunsol would never, but in his defense, he had to scramble up to say something!

one girl sneered. "she's mad insecure, then."

he was officially pissed.

sunoo raised his eyebrow and scoffed, "she's a thousand times better than you," he said. "she'll never force me into stuff i don't like. for that, she's a better person than you and definitely prettier," unbeknownst to him, his pretty face saying such words made his situation worse. the girls looked unsatisfied and were consistently persistent.

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