NINETEEN ; the fake girlfriends.

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SUNOO waited patiently at the corner of his bed. his feet shifted uncomfortably on the floor. he had spent the last twenty minutes tidying up his room and keeping his cutesy decor out of sight. his collection of plushies were now clumsily stacked inside his cabinet, to which he prayed yunsol would not open.

then there was a gentle knocking on his door.

“come in,” he called, voice nearly breaking. sunoo quietly cleared his throat. neither he knew why he was nervous that yunsol would be staying the night in his house, let alone sleep in his bedroom. it made him restless, especially thinking if his mattress was on par to the quality she was used to.

the door loudly creaked as yunsol poked her head inside the room first. “do you, uh, have a makeup remover?” she hesitantly requested. “your mom said to come to your room and ask, so i’m here.”

sunoo stood up immediately, although he didn’t know exactly why he did. “mm,” he nodded. a little too enthusiastically for his liking. “come in. i’ll help you remove your makeup.”

yunsol nodded and stepped inside his room. as she closed the door, sunoo scanned her appearance from behind. she was wearing all of his clothes, per his mother’s persistence despite having an older sister. his mother argued that his sister’s bedroom was currently locked since she was away for college and that it would be an invasion of his sister’s privacy if she were to open the door to get clothes for yunsol.

before sunoo could even have a counter-argument, he was ushered away.

but, seeing yunsol now appearing much smaller than she already was while wearing his shirt and sweatpants—perhaps, Mother Gothel in Tangled was correct that mothers do know best.

“you’re smiling,” yunsol pointed out, striking him out of his inner thoughts. her arms crossed on her chest.

he blinked his eyes. “was i?”

she rose an eyebrow at him, as if questioning him for doubting her.

sunoo chuckled. there was no escaping yunsol either way. “i just think you look nice in my clothes,” he grinned. he wanted to say she looked cute, but that was unless he wanted to drive her out of his house. her lips parted, finding slight offense in his compliment. “you’re teasing me,” she stated. “they’re obviously very baggy on me.”

“think of it as street wear,” sunoo laughed.

when she did not find it humorous, he nervously piped down. “do you want to change to other clothes?” he asked.

her response was immediate. “no, your clothes are comfortable,” her eyes looked away to other parts of his room that was not him. “and they smell nice too,” she quietly said.

sunoo thought the comment was weird, since he lent her clean clothes that he hadn’t worn yet. “must be the detergent we use,” he shrugged.

“it smells like your perfume,” yunsol brought the collar of the shirt to her nose to check. that familiar whiff of a fresh citrus scent confirms her statement. it was always the same scent that had always attracted her ever since.

naturally, she’ll be keeping that confession to herself to the grave.

“i thought you sprayed it with your perfume before your mother gave it to me,” yunsol said.

his eyes widened, baffled to the very least. “i.. i didn’t!” he defensively said. his ears scorched a shade of red. his mind quickly racked for conclusions and immediately connected to one. he sighed, “i’m sorry, my mom must have sprayed it with my perfume or something. should i give you another shirt?”

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