TEN ; young, dumb, broke and.. in love?

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IF YUNSOL COULD choose to face two of her greatest fears, dying or being a disappointment to her family, she'd rather die the most painful death.

she has twin half-siblings. those who are inclined in different fields as her stepmother made them explore to find something they were passionate about. na jaeyi, her sister, tried many in the field spectrum — from violin, to modeling, swimming, karate — to all she didn't like. it was fine for the whole family. because, na jaemin, her brother, was already a star-player in soccer. they'd watch his matches in support of jaemin. "that's my son!" yunsol's father would proudly yell with his fists up whenever jaemin would score. yunsol could feel something within her break every time. she wasn't jealous of her brother for gaining the attention of her father she'd known for eighteen years, who was never fond of any form of affection. god forbid being jealous over her adorable siblings, whom she both adores and would travel hell and back for. she never felt like an outsider in her own family despite being the only reminder of her father's past.

although, it tugged her heart whenever she realized her father never expressed his pride for her. he nitpicked her flaws and pointed out her shortcomings in her academics. this constant thirst to become acknowledged to demand familial love and attention and having to resort to being an achiever in order to feel loved was all she had. she had been doing it since childhood for her mother, and now she's still doing it to be seen by her father. it was when she was older she realized she was in a vicious cycle she would never escape from.

if she let her father down academically, what else can she offer as his daughter?

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THE LIBRARY was intimidatingly quiet ever since couples were prohibited from doing their flirty acts within the perimeter of the sacred place for books, silent breakdowns in front of your textbooks, and air conditioning units you pay in your miscellaneous or electrical fees when paying for tuition. yunsol had her headphones crank up some classical music to block off any sort of distractions in her environment despite using noise-canceling headphones. in front of her was her iPad and in her hands was her Apple pencil writing away notes as she scanned through her textbook for key information.

she is alone, as she always is whenever she studies. she prefers studying alone, rather it is always best to study in complete solitude away from humankind. it was only her and her active mind communicating back and forth. it was only four in the afternoon and she had studied two subjects, and so if she follows suit to the rest of her schedule, she should be able to finish everything she had to study today—

yunsol's eyes caught a fist knocking on the table in front of her before she could even finish making a headline for the third unit for her biology notes. she lowered her headphones as she looked up and saw sunoo smiling at her ever so brightly. in this dimly lit library, he smiled at her iridescently. she must have been wearing her default frown — one she shows when she is interrupted — because sunoo smiles with his eyes throwing daggers as he mouthed the words 'smile'.

her lips jolted upwards when she realized she had forgotten they were feigning a relationship and sunoo wasn't just here for shits and giggles. they were in action. there were many verbal comments being made about the two of them — positive or negative, yunsol didn't pry — although many doubt as they are yet to be seen together again after sunoo's Instagram story insinuating the start of their relationship.

thus, this was their first public stunt as a couple. and sunoo will make the most out of the exposure, with all the lingering glances around them. it was a subtle start, like it was not a loud gesture that screams 'i'm dating na yunsol'. it was like him securing his girl and making sure everyone knew. fake girl. his smile did not falter. "let's go on a date," he whispered but he made sure his lips were easily readable by curious cats. were his lips actually readable? no clue.

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