TWO ; the laughingstock of the universe.

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IN FICTION, WHENEVER AFTER character a decides to avoid character b, an unknown magnetic field of force within the universe seems to push the two to clash even more often. it's almost given. or expected. a common trope and cliché each third person would enjoy to see the progress of the leads with the forced close proximity. sunoo was one of the enthusiasts that enjoyed the trope. a consumer, mainly, never the one living through the insufferable trope.

but the universe seems to think otherwise.

when kim sunoo started seeing na yunsol everywhere he went inside school, he was definitely not surprised. it was like a week ago, or the prior weeks leading up to yesterday, wherein na yunsol was barely seen anywhere at his line of sight. those moments had now disappeared out of the air and she was now everywhere.

the two were not in the same class. neither have they ever been. but, seemingly, yunsol was everywhere he went. 

although school was an inevitable place to run into yunsol. but the outside world was not. what kind of gymnastics would the universe do to make them meet in a city of millions? it was beyond impossible. 

and not to mention, cliché. 

sunoo needed a bouquet of flowers for picture taking for a business sponsorship. having a social media account that has at least more than twenty five thousand followers, opened an opportunity for companies to offer him sums of money in exchange for promotion in his account. 

moreover, user kkmsnnoo takes his account's aesthetics very seriously.

the shoot was a post for a sponsorship with a cosmetics brand and he was supposed to take pictures and upload them, which in turn gives him money. which he very much needs to satisfy his needs; buy himself the trending fluffy souffle pancakes from a newly opened café. as well as for extra allowance.

the boy randomly went to a random flower shop he stumbled across in order to look for suitable flowers that would fit the aesthetics he wishes to attain. he did not even take a single glance upwards to check the shop's signage. 

it must be the excitement to smell the aroma of flowers that caused him to go in without a single thought. a meaningless action that would backfire against within a second.

he pushed the door open, welcoming himself to a cozy space displayed with flowers of all colors and visuals from the floors to the shelves on the walls. the scent made him smile. distinct scents of flowers—be them powdery, musky, or sweet—engrossed in the air gave him solace at some kind.

fixated eyes wandered around the flowers on the floor to scan and survey which ones would do for him. he needed something yellow. all he could see was a combination of different colored roses, violets, and whites that were not the warm tone of an egg yolk.

"welcome to—ah."

sunoo's mouth was agape when he stared up to the origin of the voice by the counter. 

as always, he was wrong. 

what is a story without clichés? he underestimated the power of the condescending, utmost annoying universe.

this was outrageous. irony has struck. miss na-i'm trying to avoid-but i keep on seeing everyday wherever i go-yunsol was wearing a plain brown apron behind the counter, in the middle of packing a bouquet of red roses seemingly.

this was absolutely outrageous.

because the first thing sunoo thought after putting the plain to see puzzle pieces together that she works here was; 'oh. so that's why she smells like flowers'.

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