SIXTEEN ; matching bracelets.

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1:12 PM

Won the game :)

1:57 PM


sorry i couldn’t watch :”( been running all around cuz of student council stuff

Hahaha, no worries.

See you later?

of course ! r u getting ready?

Nope, I’m filming a live broadcast for the club


will u have enough time to prepare tho

Yup. Don’t worry.


see yaaaaa

(o^ ^o)/

2:59 PM

Almost done getting ready.

Will be lining up backstage with Jake in a few.

3:15 PM

We’ll be starting soon.

My last text ‘cuz Jake’s phone got confiscated by Gyeoul and he wants her to do the same to me

See you :)

۫ ⋆ ࣪. ୧ ♡ ୨ ִ ۫ ⁎ .

ALL MEN DO, IN FACT, IS LIE. and sunoo was one of them.

because it was five minutes before the pageant started and he was running back and forth to their office to the auditorium because the officer assigned to the task didn't print out certificates in time for the freaking pageant. he left his co-officers in their office and pleaded it would be the best birthday gift in his entire life.

indeed, it was also his birthday amidst this mess. explanatory on why yunsol had a surprise party for him weeks ago.

as of the moment, he was running backstage with a little over three minutes left before the pageant officially commenced. he ran past the line of boys and girls wearing their sports attire, who greeted him a happy birthday and to which he smiled in response.

his eyes scanned the line for yunsol or jake, but failed to see them. light quickly reentered his face and his footsteps abruptly stopped when he saw jake, and yunsol next to him. “nayun, look, it’s the birthday boy,” jake turned to yunsol and pointed at sunoo who was now bending over his knees, panting. “happy birthday, bro,” jake looked joyed to see his friend despite the internal and physical battle sunoo seemed to be losing over. sunoo mumbled a thank you but it could also be a cry for help.

yunsol looked at sunoo with concern. “should we get you water?”

sunoo quickly shook his head and took one big inhale as he steadied his feet. he met her worried gaze. “you look beautiful,” he finally said.

she really is. the chess team, in contrast to other sports like basketball and volleyball, have polo shirts as their uniform. she wore their black-colored polo shirt with a white tennis skirt. soft and silky dark curls sat on her shoulders prettily. a simple white fabric headband was placed neatly on the top of her head.

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