NINE ; and so it begins.

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A RADIO CLUB without its scriptwriter is bound to probably fail without its scriptwriter.

and lee suin the scriptwriter had ghosted yunsol entirely.

although, the skilled president was elected for a reason in spite of her unfriendly auras, hence why the club was able to make-do with her own scripts she would scribble up at the last minute. at least, for a while.

yunsol was in the middle of cramming up another script for a noon announcement due in at least ten minutes when an enthusiastic han gyeoul had barged unannounced to the club room. yunsol spared her no glance or warm regards as this was a regular occurence, mind anyone. she was probably about to ask what they should eat for lunch. and gyeoul knew yunsol was fine with anything with the exception of vegetables, thus yunsol typically nodded along.

if the wordings of her script were quite off, yunsol would mentally criticize herself and erase. if the sentences felt unnatural to say, she'd repeat the sentences again and again before shaking her head and erasing. six minutes left. perfection is not who she was, but perfection is who she is seen by many — hence it is in her best interest not to shake off this ideal of her and erase everything that is far from perfect.

"so, are you okay with my idea?" gyeoul chirped from behind when yunsol had forgotten her momentary presence.

yunsol gave her a thumbs-up to leave her alone. time was ticking and her fingers scribbled unintelligible words in the piece of paper on fire.

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THE PRESIDENT of the photography club, han gyeoul, is infamous to be a know-it-all when it comes to gossip and anything in between. freak, weirdo, nosy bitch were some of her nicknames. it wasn't her proudest feat but it wasn't like she was destroying lives. she was simply relaying what she deems 'factual' to the curious cats. many despise her very presence, yet anticipate her summaries of events taking place whether in an ugly break-up between a couple, accusations of cheating during exams, cheating in relationships, or

a group of students walk back to their respective building after lunch. "haven't you noticed na yunsol and kim sunoo getting closer?" one inquired.

"crazy to think they physically fought once," one commented.

"when?" the other confusedly asked.

"it happened when you were skipping school, dumbhead."

"i was sick!"

"see a doctor if you're sick every two weeks."

the other rolled her eyes, "so, what are they? yunsol and sunoo?"

rustling behind them were shortly heard before; "they're soon to be dating, your honor," gyeoul popped out of the bushes, her camera always around her neck. a couple students walking down the pathway stop and stare, quickly whispering to themselves as they continue their merry ways.

the group of friends stayed and blinked at gyeoul. the closest one to the bushes leaned over to brush off leaves that were on top of her head. "thank you," gyeoul cleared her throat and brushed the excess leaves and small twigs collected on her shoulder. "yunsol and sunoo are soon to be—"

"we heard you."

"you don't believe me? if sunoo and yunsol aren't dating right now?" gyeoul did not care if they didn't believe her because as far as she was concerned, passers-by had already understood the subject on hand.

sunoo was questioned about the same thing over and over again.

yunsol was congratulated by many but glared at by some.

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