chapter two

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Chan-mi sipped on the strawberry milk she made as she stared at the people around her. She was sitting on three outside of school and swinging her leg back and forth.

In front of her was a field as she watched guys playing football, she didn't know most of their names as she was just bad at remembering them but their faces looked familiar. She did recognize one of them, Su-hyeok.

She watched as he scored a goal and clapped her hands as a small smile made it to her face.

" Hey, Nam-ra!" Chan-mi noticed said girl passing under her three. She didn't seem to hear her so Chan-mi jumped down as Nam-ra looked at her with wide eyes and took her earphones off.

" what?" She asked her tone showed zero emotion and Chan-mi could feel her heart getting frozen

" wow you really have the gaze, oh I felt my heart freeze and melt in the same second " Chan-mi rambled feeling a bit nervous around the beautiful girl.

Even if Nam-ra wasn't the most social type Chan-mi really did have respect for her as class president and best student. She really wanted to be friends with her but a girl always rejected her offers Chan-mi felt as if Nam-ra needed a friend and wasn't giving up anytime soon.

" uh nice" she started putting her earphones on.

"No, wait!" Chan-mi stopped her " Do you want to go to my aunt's restaurant it is new and the food is pretty good too"

Nam-ra seem to think for a few moments as Chan-mi's hopes got up.

" Sorry I can't maybe next time" she offered her a small smile and walked away putting her earphones on.

Chan-mi shrugged her shoulders " oh well it was close maybe next time " unbothered she turned around ready to climb up as her head crashed into someone's chest.

Looking up her brown eyes met almost identical colored ones, oh and she knew well whose eyes were those. They held eye contact.

" HEY CHAN-MI " Chan-mi quickly pushed So-hyuk away who still seem dazed by the situation. She caught his arm trying to keep him from falling.

" Oh, Su-hyeok what are you doing here? Does Chan-mi bother you?" He looked worried as his cousin was keeping the guy who was twenty centimeters taller than her from falling.

" shut up I am not bothering him what do you want? Oh and hello Gyeong-su." She nodded at her classmate and then threw a look at the boy who asked the question.

" I don't trust you until he says it. Also mum said she is trying out new recipes and to call your friends." He stopped for moument to think.

" not that you have them since Na-ri keeps rejecting you ." Chan-mi gasped as she pointed her finger at him.

" I have friends! Look Su-Hyeok and Gyeong-su" the first mentioned boy seem offended as he stood up on his own while others seem genuinely confused.

" We are friends?"

" Yeah "

" oh okay then that is great!" he smiled but then Cheong-san pulled him by the ear and muttered something in lines seriously dude my cousin?

" see you friend!" Gyeong-su yelled as Chan-mi waved at him.

Chan-mi then turned to the taller guy next to her. " so do you want to go?"

The taller guy just ignored her as he continued walking without her.

" what? What is with you?" She ran after him, he was a fast walker who usually adjusted her but she wasn't used to this. He ignored her again as she kicked him in the ass.

He groaned but said nothing just glared at her.

" seriously what is it? Are you mad?" He didn't answer so she jumped on his back he caught her quickly as she smiled, but when she tried to get down he didn't let her.

She frowned" for real what do you want?"

He finally looked at her " I got friendzoned seriously" her eyes grew wide as she jumped down and glared at him and kicked him into the ass again.

" Do you want to get deadzoned?"


" Hello Mrs Lee"

" Hello, aunt! " She entered the restaurant as she noticed the group she waved at them as they made space at the table for chan-mi and Su-hyeok.

"It looks so good. Why'd you bring out so much?" Isak asked. The food looked really delicious so no one was complaining. Chan-mi sat next to On-jo and next to Chan mi was sitting Gyeongsu who was staring at food with teary eyes like he haven't eaten the whole day.

" Oh, yes. Remember On-jo eats a lot." Her aunt laughed and everyone followed.

"I don't eat a lot. I just eat well" On-jo said and Cheong-san's mum agreed.

" well we only live once," said Chan-mi as everyone on the table agreed with her while On-jo focused her gaze at Su-Hyeok who was staring at Chan-mi.

Compliments were thrown at dishes. "If you ever need a delivery boy, I'll work for cheap."Gyeong-su offered.

" me too if you need help in the kitchen I would love to help" Su-Hyuk offered.

Chan-mi gave him a weird look " since when do you cook?"

He shrugged " since always"

as chan-mi stared questioning her existence if he could cook, she could consider becoming the CEO of some entertainment company or perhaps idol.

On-jo complained it was a bit salty but her problem was solved when Cheong-san told her that she doesn't have to eat that and suddenly she was munching quietly enjoying this food.

" Did you hear our science teacher?" Isak asked as she started a conversation.

"What about him?"

"Well, he smells like a rotting corpse."

" I couldn't smell anything" Said Su-hyeok while eating.

" that is because you sit in the back row idiot" Chan-mi rolled her eyes.

"Well you are just one place in front so you couldn't smell it either" he retorted.

" I am aware of that and thankful I don't want to smell rotting corpse." chan-mi grimaced.

"Oh, Na-Yeon spread that rumor, right?" Cheong-san butted in stopping the argument between the pair.

"It's true. He was absent after his son went missing. But then he came into class she said he smelled like a corpse."

"How does she know what a corpse smells like? Has she smelled one before?" Cheongsan asked.

"I swear she knows every other smell except that one. Since she never smelled it before, it has to be a rotting corpse." On-jo said as Chan-mi chuckled.

"When his son went missing, he started acting weird."

"He was an outcast," I-sak concluded.

" he was really nice tho" Chan-mi butted in remembering the younger boy's face.

Everyone looked at her confused.

" You knew him?" Isak asked.

Chan-mi shook her head. " not really he helped me carry some papers to the broadcasting room."

" I heard he got bullied all the time," Isak spoke.

"Mm-hm. It sucks. I feel really bad for Mr. Lee."

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝙇. 𝙎𝙪𝙝𝙮𝙚𝙤𝙠 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now