chapter thirty four

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The doors opened as su-hyeok punched the zombies away with a baseball, while the rest was quick to form a circle.

"Did you tie it?" De-su asked as he looked at Su-hyeok tying it.

"Done! Push!" They started pushing as it wound't move the zombies kept coming as they slowly started to step on each other almost climbing over.

Chan-mi kept trying to push in direction of doors but the zombies climbing over wasn't helping. One hand reached to her as On-jo pushed it away girl didn't have time to thank jer as the other hand yanked on-jo to the floor.

Nam-ra tried to get it off as Chan-mi took the glass from her pocket that was still there as she sliced it and jumped on the hand finally making it let go.

'They're climbing over!"

" It won't budge!"

Something is wrong with the wheels she crouched down as she saw that a few metal wheels were almost brown " fucking shit these things are old"

Before going up and pushing it again.

Cheong-san was having trouble with the zombies and when Chan-mi saw it she quickly rushed to her cousin to help him stab the glass into the zombie's neck. As the zombie collapsed, she wasn't quick enough to get it out.

" fuck fuck fuck" she muttered. As she pushed her back against the block Cheong-san was leaning on.

" thanks"

" you owe me pizza now," she said as she struggled against it.

" what? You are saying that now?" He looked at her annoyed and tired.

" yes it is my motivation to not collapse right here" she answered.

" Joon-Yeong!" Chan-mi turned and looked up as she saw Joon-Yeong climbing over. She couldn't move from her place before the box will fell down but with wide eyes she watched min-jin keep calling his name with cries as he jumped out of the barricade.

" What is he doing!?" Chan-mi asked Cheong-san who was out of breath and didn't answer.

Joon started pushing them and throwing zombies off  " push!"

In the end, he turned at the zombies and left them alone he was quick to rush to the barricade trying to bite his classmates. Chan-mi stood next to Cheong-sanas he was holding a baseball bat in his hand and starting to hit joon.

The now transformed Joon tried to reach the pair with his hands as Chan-mi took a Baseball bat from Cheong-san. " Joon-yet was a brave and good person" she signed as she punched him with a baseball bat throwing him off.

Cheong-san looked at her startled. " we have to move" she said to him as she went back to pushing. He joined her next second too.

Soon they got to the doors. " untie it!" Su-hyeok untied it as they made a barricade around the doors.

" it is locked!" He said as he and On-jo tried to open the door.

" fuck" Chan-mi muttered as she took her Joon-Yeong hockey bat he had as she pushed the zombies away.

She glanced back at Nam-ra " Nam-ra-ah give me the lighter!"

Nam-ra looked at Chan-mi but asked no question as she slid down the lighter to the chan-mi leg she looked at Cheong-san as he seem to hold fine on his own.

She got to su-hyeok and on-jo as she slid the hockey bat between the small gap the two made trying to push themselves against it.

" su-hyeok help me push it from between On-jo try to light up the metal" they listened to her as they got to work.

On-jo was slowly melting the metal as the gasp between the doors was getting bigger.

Then the doors opened making Chan-mi look up " sir!" She exclaimed as she recognized On-jo's dad he gave her a little wave as he hugged his daughter.

" dad.." she cried as the two hugged. He grabbed her face checking if she was okay. On-jo knew her dad would come she was so relieved he was alive.

"let's go!" Su-hyeok pulled Chan-mi out as everyone rushed outside Cheong-san closing the doors.

Chan-mi put her hands on her knees as she tried to breathe properly she looked at Cheong-san next to her she quickly scanned him checking if he was fine.

" Are you kids okay?" he looked at all of them as they noodled his eyes stopped a pair of cousins.

" chan-mi Cheong-san" he hugged them quickly relieved that they were alive.

Chan-mi glanced noticing how he winced when Cheong-san touched his ribs. She didn't have time to comment as he asked them. "Are you all able to run?"

" yeah"

" good If you go straight through the tennis courts and pass the construction site, you'll hit the mountain. If you cross the mountain and get to Yangdong..."

" dad!" The zombie came rushing as On-jo's dad grabbed its leg breaking it it stayed on the floor. He looked up noticing the upcoming group of zombies as he turned to them.

" kids run!"

Su-hyeok quickly grabbed Chan-mi's hand as he pulled her up the little advising as they ran towards the tennis grounds zombies going after them.

Chan-mi could feel the adrenaline kicking in as she could hear her heart pumping loudly. She never ran as fast as now.

On-jo's dad quickly opened the doors as they all went inside then he blocked it so the zombies couldn't get in, but they were going around the tennis ground soon trapping them inside.

"We can't go out there. We can't go anywhere." De-su said as zombies broke through doors chan-mi's eyes widened from fear as su-hyeok pulled her back behind the net. Zombies were trying to get them as they for some stupid reason were only going through the net and not around them.

Chan-mi looks up at Su-hyeok as he gives her assuring glance as he went up front with Cheonfg-san to fight off zombies. Chan-mi pushed On-jo away from Cheong-san as she pulled her with her.

" Cheong-san take on-jo and chan-mi with you" he looked at Chan-mi and Su-hyeok " or  you can do that just stay together kids"

" chan-mi you know how to do first aid kit right?" She nodoled as he handeled her his bag " everything you need is here"

" dad where are you going? Dad!" On-jo yelled as her dad blew up the whistle making all zombies go after him. Chan-mi pulled On-jo to go but the girl kept calling her dad.

Cheong-san and Su-hyeok tried to help on-jo dad to get out with them but he locked himself inside. "Run! Get out! Get out now! Get out!"

Hari noticed the zombies coming " we have to go. Now."

" on-jo let's go," chan-mi said as her voice shoot she looked at on-jo dad one more time as he collapsed from being bitten by four zombies. She pulled on jo as they finally started running away.

They reached the building as the bulders that were building it were turned into zombies they chased after them.

" why?" De-su chanted as Chan-mi hit his arm.

" shut up!" Then suddenly nam-ra stopped as they all stopped from behind her. One zombie rushed in front of them.

"Go upstairs. Go!" They ran upstairs and upstairs was absolutely nothing. The doors weren't even blocked they ran around the floor trying to find a way out.

" There's no way out. It's blocked" wu-jin said.

"Let's go out this way," Nam-ra said as they all looked at the window. she claimed first as su-hyeok followed others were going after them.

Chan-mi stated a little bit when she remembered what was down there she jumped over. Su-hyeok held her hand strongly assuring her that she won't fall.

" it is high" she muttered as she sat on the floor.

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝙇. 𝙎𝙪𝙝𝙮𝙚𝙤𝙠 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now