chaper ninteen

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"Does it work? Is it working?" Joon-yeong and On-jo came back fast with a drone. They were now all standing around drone watching as Joon-yeong stuck a note saying that they are in the broadcasting room hoping that either Cheong-san or rescuers find it.

"I think it will."

Joon put some huge glass on with black mirrors as he started the drone. He drove it fastly around the room with sharp turns leaving everyone amazed.

"I'll take it outside after I find Cheong-san. If I find any rescuers out there, I'll land in front of them."

"Wait a second." all heads turned to their class president. " They say when people know their situation is hopeless, that's when they despair. " all of them stared at her blankly.

"Sweet saying. But what does that mean?" asked De-su cluelessly. All eyes were on Nam-ra curiously.

"Even if everyone in the world but us turned into zombies, we can't fall into despair."

" Ahh. So that's what that means?" Muttered Desu

"Nam-ra. It's best to make a plan and try to stick to it, but we're not all top students, and we can't be as smart as you. Being logical isn't part of human nature. " jo said to her with teary eyes. Cheong-san not being here hit her hard.

Chan-mi on other hand had trust in her cousin, he noticed has to survive with a lot of people here depending on him and he knows it. The phones might be their last chance.

" It isn't of zombies either that is for sure" Chan-hmi joked trying to ease the tension. Desu was the only one who chuckled while Jimin glared at her as if saying now is not the time.

"In a crisis, it's better to be logical," Nm-ra argued.

In love being logical, it is best too but it is simply not possible. If you are logical then you are not in love simple. All of them wanted to survive so badly that if a fairy grandmother came to them and offered them a ride in a magic spaceshift they would accept.

"We need hope more than logic," On-jo said.

"Hey. I think... flying the drone is what we need right now." the drone flew outside the window as everyone looked at the camera.

He lead the drone through rooms, one by one each was filled with zombies. They also saw one girl who was hanging on rope dead. Chan-mi remembered the sun-hee story as a chill went down her spine. Guilt went through her this girl has sacrificed herself for her friend who died too. They both should have lived now studying like normal kids. Yet they were both dead.

Woojin noticed her " are you alright?"

Heads turned to Chan-mi who gave a small nod back.

They continued looking through the camera. Then suddenly Wo-jin stopped them. He got closer to the camera.

"Wait. Hold on. Stop right there Is that an arrow? " he asked. Chan-mu joined him looking at the screen he was right there was an arrow in zombie.

"Where? "


"You're right. It is." De-su confirmed.

"Why? What?" Jimin asked. Jimin wanted to speed up their expedition yes she wanted to find Cheong-san but she wanted to get saved too.  standing here staring at the arrow is not going to help.

"My older sister. She had a competition today." Wu-jin answered.

" Hari unnie? If she is here she is alive" Chan-mi had interviewed their archery club quite a lot of times. She found out Hari was Wu-jin's sister and through their connection, she usually intertwined with her. Besides she was so cool.

The tension in the room was high. Chan-mi stopped Jimin from picking her nails. Wujin and De-su's heads were laying on the desk as they searched for their friend.

Then they saw a figure in a classroom full of broken desks. Chan-mi got closer trying to make sure if her eyes were seeing right. Yes, it was him.

"It's Cheong-san!"

Chani slammed her hand on the desk " I knew the prick was alive" then she checked the camera before asking. "What room is that?"

"Cheong-san!" Su-yeok and On-jo kept yelling. Chan-mi had noticed how guilt has been eating Su-hyeok since he returned without the other boy. He felt responsible if they lost their friend.

"He can't hear you. "

"Be quiet," Woojin said.

Su-hyeok and On-jo hugged, Chan-mi gave them a side-eye, as she felt Nam-ra pulling her hand. Su-hyeok  noticed Chan-mi as she gave him weak smile while Nam-ra glared at him.  Immediately he let go of On-jo awkwardly patting her shoulder.

"Now that we know for sure where Cheong-san is, let's go look somewhere else." Jimin was in a hurry after netko said to her that there was only a little bit of juice or their power source left.

"You wanted to check outside and ask for help? On-jo Chan-mi, is that okay? " she turned to two girls who looked at each other and modeled.

"Mm-hmm. Now that we know he's alive," on-jo answered now relaxing her face.

Okay. Here it goes." He took the drone out as they saw a football field filled with zombies they tried to chase the camera.

Chan-mi tried to count them, but she got lost after thirty. She exhaled loudly. " more than sixty are there"

" no shit" Joon-yeong deadpanned at her as she glared at him.

"Whoa. It's Zombieland out there."

They stared at zombies, there were too many of them, Chan-mi was losing hope as quickly as she got it. There was no way eleven students could take hundreds of zombies.

" don't go too close to them" Chan-mi warned.

" I am trying," Joon-yeong said annoyed.

"I think we should look outside of the school grounds," Nam-ra suggested. and they all agreed.

They didn't see any zombies outside of school besides a lot of crashed-down cars. The zombies were going toward the doors of the school.

" wait" Jimin stopped Joon from making 360 turns.

"What is it?" He continued moving the drone.

" Wait a sec." She breathed heavily.

"Just... wait." Jimin started sobbing. Chan-mi was looking at the screen and then she noticed the familiar white truck. No wasn't it Jimin's parents?

" Wha, what's wrong Jimin ah," Hyo-Seong asked Jimin worried.

"This... That's my dad's car."

" Joon-Yeong: Which one? The white one? The black one? " everyone glanced at Jimin not knowing how to comfort her. Losing friends, siblings, family, losing any person was hard, and almost everyone in this room knew it.

"It's this truck. It's my dad's car"

"Don't worry. I'm sure there are lots of cars like that."on-jo eyes starter to water, as she watched Jimin sob.

"Hang on. I'll check." His voice was now calm with a little bit of hidden pity. He knew it was a lost cause but Jimin decided to check.

Chan-mi didn't have the heart to tell him that it is not the smartest idea. He was too low on the ground, that there may be the last chance to get the help that will disappear. But just as they first checked on Cheong-san, Chan-mi thought Jimin deserved to see if her parents were alive too.

They saw two zombies on two seats. Male and female.Jimin's crying was the last thing they heard before the drone collapsed on the ground.


Yo hello it is me

I can't beileve someone is actually reading this lol

Thanks for 2k guys!!

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝙇. 𝙎𝙪𝙝𝙮𝙚𝙤𝙠 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now