chapter four

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"Hey, you punks. Come on, guys. Take your seats. Come on, move it." Miss lee entered the class as everyone went to their desks.

"Time to hand in your phones." Miss Lee said taking out her bag. Everyone signed as they went to give her their phone. She always had a sharp eye and smuggling their phones with her was almost impossible.

"Chan-mi where is your phone?" Miss lee asked as she noticed one phone missing. 

" I lost it sorry" Chan-mi grimaced. She did lose it yesterday but she wasn't sure if Miss Lee believed her. Some students laughed knowing that Chan-mi usually lost a lot of her stuff. They would randomly find her umbrella she left two months ago or her coat. 

Miss Lee signed " you are not selling that to me give me your phone"

Cheong-san stood up  not wanting Chan-mi to get into trouble " she really lost it, yesterday professor"

Miss Lee eyed the pair, they were already ten minutes in class she needed to start the lesson." if I hear of finding it both of you are cleaning school for the week"

" yes miss!"

Miss lee walked back to her desk. Jimin whispered to Chan-mi " did you lose it?"

Chan-mi just noodled not speaking she didn't want to test miss Lee's nerves.

"Who's in touch with Hyeon-Ju?" No one in the class answered.

"Nobody? So none of you have tried calling her today?"

Someone cleared their throat "Uh, we cleaned the science lab together yesterday, but I haven't seen her since."

Miss lee signs"Okay. If anyone hears from her sometime in the next few days, let me know right away, okay?"

" Okay," they echoed.

"Exams start next week, so get your acts together" Chan-mi modeled during the nightmares it was the perfect time to pull an all-nighter.

The music started playing as everyone looked at De-Su.

"I heard that. Why didn't you silence it?" Chan-mi looked at him disappointed if you are going to smuggle the phone turning off the sound is the first thing you should do. she tried to smuggle it once and she passed because she left her real phone in the broadcasting room and gave the teacher her uncle who was the same model as hers. 

" stupid" muttured Jimin.

" On-jo. This is your phone from last year. "  the class laughed. The called girl looked down before giving Mrs. Lee the real one. 

" she got zero luck today" chan-mi whispered to jimin while laughing.

"Take it, please."

"A virus... is somewhere between a living organism and a non-living organism. Like a living organism, it adapts to its surroundings and evolves." Mr. Lee explained as Chan-mi was listening closely. She always liked biology it was her specialty and the second subject she was the best in class.

"Like a living organism, it adapts to its surroundings and evolves."

"Mr. Lee, the textbook says a virus is not an independent living organism." Asked one of her classmates.

"Whether or not it's categorized that way doesn't depend on its metabolism, but its will to survive."

Chan-mi raised her hand, curious about something. " Sir what if the virus finds someone who will survive is bigger? If the body's immune system would fight"

Mr lee stared at her for a second. And didn't answer. Cham-mi eyed him suspiciously. He always answered her questions.

Then she heard laughing. She looked at Jimin who looked disgusted, and then she saw gwi-nam drawing on the eun-Ji shirt. Gwi-nam had been bothering this girl for a while and Chan-mi always tried to help her without really getting into mess. She wasn't stupid, Gwi-Nam was 50 cm taller than her and 10 kilos stronger and she knew he could hit a girl without a problem.

" That fucking asshole" Chan-mi muttered. She took her hair tie from her hair, talking her pen out. Jimin caught her arm.

" what are you doing?" She hissed at Chan-mi.

" stopping the motherfucker since no one else will" she made a little catapult shooting at him and getting the pencil exactly at his ear. He caught his ear groaning in pain while looking around. He took the pen out and examined it, it was a normal pencil that probably anyone could use.

" who did this?" he growled, as he looked in the direction it came from. 

Some people giggled. Chan-mi pretended she was reading and Jimin started writing something. His eyes suddenly met Su-Hyuk who raised his eyebrow at him. ' what do you want?' He mouthed at him.

Gwi Nam turned around ' fucker' he muttered. Chan-mi turned around and saw Su-hyuk, she smiled at him before turning around. oh, thank god it is him  She took a sticky note and wrote on it.

" Chan-mi it is 10:45 don't you need to go?" The called girl looked up.

" oh yeah thank, you sir!" She stood up while taking her bag with her bag. She waved at Jimin and then when she passed Su-Hyuk's desk she stuck a sticky note.

Thank you I own you one

" good job Chan-mi!" Nico clapped as he gave her a high five as she went out of the room taking the earphones with her.

They ended recording as the girl sat on the chair next to a taller boy. Nico's stomach growled as Chan-mi laughed.

" We are done now let's go eat something it is lunch time" he proposed.

" you go I have to do something here." she yawned.

" Do you want me to get you something?" Nico asked. he was always so nice.

" no it oke I got food here" she took the chicken package out as she smiled at him thanking him and then shooing him out of the room. It wasn't that she didn't like him she just needed a bit of peace.

The second he got off she signed " finally some peace" putting her earphones on she locked the doors and then fell asleep listening to a piano version of songs from her normal playlist.

You're my missing puzzle piece
deudieo majchwojin
jogakna issdeon
mamui sangcheokkaji gadeuk chaewojun
neon eoneusae nae jeonbuga dwaesseo
My missing puzzle piece

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