chapter twenty seven

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The honest conversation continued as everyone looked at Cheong-san. He stared down at the fire with a blank expression on his face.

"Me and... On-jo..."

Chan-mi's eyes widened in realization. Is he finally going to confess after twelve years? She looked at su-hyeok, with her head she pointed at Cheong-san. Su-hyeok had a smile on his face as he shrugged his shoulders. Chan-mi sulked a bit as he didn't give her an answer when he knew.

"I just, well... I just want some water." Chan-mi signed disappointed but not surprised he backed up in twelve years he didn't confess.

"Not stuff like that. Be completely honest. Be completely honest." Hyeryong a class love guru also smelled the confession coming up. This was perfect timing for a confession. This may be the only calm night they will have during a zombie apocalypse.

"Do you like someone?" De-su the only one who didn't know asked innocently not realizing he was playing a wingman role.

"You do? For real? Why do you keep on stalling? Do you have a crush?" The rest of the group couldn't keep their smiles hidden.

"Uh, pretty much." That blank face chan-mi was impressed how could he be so stone while confessing.

"Pretty much? What does that mean? Who is she? Do you know her chan-mi?" She turned to the other girl as Chrong-san's expression broke into a panicked one.

Chan-mi smirked " I know her"

"Who is she? Do I know her? Who is it?" She stared at Chan-mi as Chan-mi couldn't keep the teasing smile on her face as she shrugged her shoulders.

"You. It's you, On-jo. I like you."

He did it

Chan-mi hit Nam-Ra's knee excited for them, everyone was now opening wriggling their eyebrows as desu's jaw fell. On-jo was the only one who looked scared not excited.

"Hey. Stop that. He doesn't mean it. He's just kidding. I mean, we were friends and neighbors since kindergarten, that's all. Stop joking. "Chan-mi got worried at On-jo's reaction she didn't like him?

"I'm not joking. Ever since I was six years old, I've always liked you, On-jo. And I always will."

It was too much for the poor girl as she stood up and stormed away from the group that gaped at her. Cheong-san stood frozen as he looked at Su-hyeok who made a head gesture that he should go after on-jo.

He didn't move until Chan-mi stood up and smacked his head. " go after her idiot"

After De-su concluded that he was the only one who didn't know hyeryong had something to say " you know guys we are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and I think we should die with no regrets so if someone likes someone from here or someone had something that bothers them for a while  they should confess now because we can't know when the next peaceful night will be"

Su-hyeok and Chan-mi looked at each other. They both were aware of that

" Chan-mi-"

"I think I saw a zombie there I will go and check it" she stood up as she gave a glance at Su-hyeok.

Everyone stared at the pair knowing what they were doing but playing along.

He quickly stood up understanding the signal " uh-I will go with her" he hurried after her.

" Should I go with you guys?" De-su asked not realizing the situation as Hyeryong hit him on the leg fortunately they were far enough and didn't hear.

" idiot they like each other" hyeryong said to de-su as he looked surprised.

Wu-jin's eyes widened too " she likes him back? He has been liking her since he saw her in Cheong-san restaurant. Are you sure she likes him?"

" hundred present " Jimin answered him.

Desu then looked at hyeryong " are you a love guru or something how do you know that?"

" shut up!"

The pair was now staring at the sky one saying a word. Chan-mi rested her hands on the railing as she said nothing. Su-hyeok stood next to her as he slowly moved closer to her.

To his surprise she leaned her head on him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist as they stayed in that position  " there are no stars today shame"

" you are enough for me" Chen-mi snorted at his line but couldn't keep her cheeks from blushing.

" that is cringy" she hid her head in his chest so he could not see it, but he caught her hand and slowly spun her around, as there was a misxhevoisu twinkle in his eyes.

" it worked, you are blushing."

He stayed silent admiring the girl's beauty. He put steam of her hair behind her ear as she looked at him up with those dark brown eyes he could drown in.

When he started tracing her jawline and coming closer Chan-mi's breath quickened. Their lips were a centimeter away.

Seh signed impatiently " how long is this going to take?" She grabbed the tie surprising him as she smashed his lips on hers.

His eyes widened from surprise as his lips reacted immediately wanting this for a long time. He kissed her back passionately the kiss lasted for a few seconds.

They opened her eyes, " Chan-mi I like you" he breathed out as they went for another kiss as grabbed her by the waist while she threw her arms around his shoulders.

She bit his lip softly as she pulled away. " I like you too"

A wide smile appeared on his face as he stared down at her. It took him to be in the zombie apocalypse to confess his feelings for her.

" you are beautiful" he smiled at her happy that she was in his arms.

Chan-mi was smiling widely too as she kissed his cheek before grabbing his hand and swinging it.

The pair then enjoyed each other presidency while they stared at the sky with no stars.

It was calm.

It was too calm for the zombie apocalypse.

" on-jo!"

"Give me your eye, asshоle!"




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