A Little Comfort💜

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BTS raised me. I found out about them and their beautiful message when I was 9 years old and continued supporting them till now, as a 15 year old. they guided me in my transition from a child who knew nothing to a teen who is slowly opening her eyes to the unflitered world.

I don't know how I would've dealt with life if it wasn't for their music. Through their lyrics that taught me the issues I'd come to face, providing an outlet for my anger from the expectations of the world, the sadness and helplessness i came to feel, my first love,

they taught me how to take a step forward, to run for my dream, it's okay to go through a day helplessly, i can find happiness in the smallest of things, that a dream, no matter how small, is a dream, a purpose for my life, and even without a purpose i can still enjoy it here.

I don't know when they started feeling like family, all i know is that it feels like they've been home from the start, someone i can go to for comfort, for simple happiness. Theyve shaped me into who i am, my morals, my beliefs, my interests, my courage, all influenced by them.

I imagined how bearable my college life would be if they remained by my side, singing their songs that they love doing, how I'd always have a supportive community wherever i go, army. and in came the fear of everything being "too late".

I joined the fandom young so it became inevitable that i spend milestones of my life with them, and as embarrassing as it may sound i want them to be here for even more, to give me the opportunity to spend at least college life with their presence and music as comfort.

And so, while it may feel saddening now, i want the guys to have this moment for themselves. they've been a huge factor in my life, yes, and because of that i dont want them to burn out. they're human, i want them comfortable and happy with their life.

as they said, this is a break, not a permanent ending. if it takes this small part of our lives for them to feel okay about doing what they love for an even longer time, then so be it. this is their life too, and i want them to live with continuous happiness. 보라해💜 to everyone.

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