Chapter 23: Vmin game Pt. 1

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Taehyung POV

I woke up in a field. I looked around confused. Wasn't I in my bedroom last night??

I stood up and walked around aimlessly when something near the woods took my attention. I saw a life sized broken doll hanging from a tree. Because of curiosity I walked towards it.

I went deeper into the woods as I found more dolls hanging from branch to branch in the trees. I reached an old cabin and opened the door. I looked around and was surprised to see...

"JIMIN HYUNG!!" I shouted and literally jumped on him

"Woah woah woah, calm down Tae!" He said and tried to release from my grip which he successfully did.

"Do you have any idea where we are?" He asked me. I just shrugged and shook my head

"All I did was sleep in my bedroom and woke up here" I replied back

"Oh, me too... btw let's get out, this place is giving me the creeps" He said as he glanced at the broken dolls hanging around the room

"Are you scared, hyung?" I said in a teasing voice

"W-what? N-no i'm not! Aish, just get out no-" He was cut off by giggling

"Did you hear that?" He asked me in the most shakiest voice ever

"maybe there's kids here! Let's go play with them!" I said cheerfuly

"What the heck man?!"

Jimin POV

This guy really.... he seriously can't cope with these kinds of situations. He even thought the dolls were cute! He's been acting weirdly y'know. Ever since we heard the giggling he's been laughing around while carrying all the dolls. Maybe it's a typical Taehyung thing... but something's fishy...

Taehyung had gone far from the cabin already, collecting all the dolls he could find hanging in the trees so I called out to him

"Taehyung-ah! Wait for me!" Even though my voice was low, I still used my sound magic to make it louder

I saw a glint of red in his eyes as he turned around to look at me. I widened my eyes at first but shook it off. He smirked at me in a scary way and ran further into the woods

"Taehyung-ah!" I yelled as I tried to catch up with him. This kid is fast!

Taehyung POV

I tried tricking hyung and ran off deeper into the woods. I heard him calling for me and smiled when I sensed the fear in his voice as he tried to catch up with me

I then heard some giggling again and tripped on a doll laying on the forest floor, I felt my eyes getting heavy..

The last thing I saw was the dolls smirking at me and Jimin hyung calling out to me in worry...

I woke up again. But this time, inside a dark room. I was sitting in a silver chair in front of a long table. Across me sat....... a creature? The creature looked really spooky with blood on it's face and that scary look on it's eyes. (The rest of it's details is up to your imagination) It's head suddenly moved and looked at me slowly. It smiled at me widely (In a creepy way) and pointed at the ceiling.

I looked up and saw a really big screen that showed a scenery. It was the forest

Jimin hyung's face suddenly came in view. His face was full of worry as he said incoherent words

"Enjoy the show.." The creature said in a deep gruff voice and disappeared. I looked in front of me and noticed I was back at the forest. I saw Jimin hyung sigh in relief as I finally opened my eyes

But I somehow felt different... as if i'm not in control anymore. Without my consent, I stood up and suddenly attacked Jimin hyung

"Taehyung-ah! stop it!"

SooMi/Your POV

I looked back at the screen in front of me. Jungkook getting stabbed to death... Jin getting punched to death and now.. Jimin and V fighting each other... I don't even know what to think anymore, life's a mess

Do you need me?

I heard a different voice in my mind. It didn't sound like Lisa. Speaking of Lisa, I wonder why she isn't speaking in my mind anymore.

I am Tisiphone, your devil self
(Tisiphone was the name of one of the Furies. The name Tisiphone means 'avenge'. T for Tisiphone and S for SooMi)

D-devil?! -S

Yes. Devil -T

Not to sound rude but, why would I need you? -S

You seem to be really angered and want to 'avenge' the deaths of the people you saw in the screen -T

Well... yeah? -S

So, I thought you needed my help -T

Please wait a little more... I still have my doubts about what I'm seeing -S

Ok, fine.. –T

I looked back at the screen. Jimin was pinned to the wall by Taehyung who seemed to have lost himself. I didn't bother shouting cause I knew, they wouldn't hear me. All I need is for some miracle to happen and we'll suddenly have telepathy (A/N ahaha..)

Jimin POV

I tried prying him off me but I can't, he was too strong. He wasn't the Taehyung I knew. Almost as if he was possessed.. I looked into his eyes, I could faintly see the real him, worry, regret and confusion was seen. From this I found out that the Taehyung I knew was still in there, living. All I need to do is somehow, make the thing possessing him leave.


??? POV

"Your quite good at playing chess, aye?" The infamous Lucifer chuckled as I defeated the last one of his rooks. (just search it up if u don't know, it's part of the chess thingy..) My heart beat fast I finally realized the wrong move I made

"but not as good as me" he chuckled again as he took my Queen (AGAIN it's in the boardgame chess okie?!)

"This means one of your members might die.." He laughed evily while I just sweated nervously. As much as I want to use my magic on him, I can't. He has my magic restraint in this magical room. I can't imagine any of my members die..., especially SooMi.

Jungkook POV

I feel so useless. Even my own voice can't reach to her. She's being fed with lies. The more lies... the more risks she has of transforming into her Devil side, the most dangerous... most gruesome.... most deadly.

"Jiyong! Control yourself! We can't just barge in like that!"

"I am telling you this, If ever they lay one finger.. ONE FINGER ON OUR DAUGHTER AND THEY'L ALL BE DEAD IN MY HANDS"

"Why did I choose to marry you again?"

"Because i'm the most handsome man you've seen, Sandara"

"Oh shut up.."

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