Chapter 26: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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I feel so dumb. How come I never felt the magic barrier around me before?? Aish, I should be more observant next time!

But the good news is, their all not dead! Turns out I was looking at a lying screen bla bla bla I should have known more -_-

We're currently just resting around right now, just trying to restore our energy cause MAN who knew it was really tiring just to sit there and cry.

(1 hour later)

We've already recovered our strength and are trying to go back to earth. We used my teleportation magic and teleported to our house

(At the house)

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE?!?!" YoonGi said. I looked around and saw nothing but ruins

"SOOMI!" I heard a familiar voice yell to me. I looked behind and saw my sisters running up to me along with some other familiar guys.

"What happened?!" I asked panicking

"Demons... attacked..." Rose unnie breathed heavily

"WHAT!" The whole bangtan yelled, including me

"They attacked a few hours ago.. we've been keeping them out the safe zone but their slowly taking over..." Jennie unnie replied. I stayed silent for a little but soon gave them orders

"Ok... Jennie unnie and Wonho, I want you both to defend the safe zone" I said seriously, they nodded their heads and went back to the safe zone to defend it from the monsters

"Rose unnie and Shownu, please find other survivors that might be trapped. Bring them to the safe zone"

"Jisoo unnie and Kihyun, help protect the survivors along with Rose unnie and Shownu" With that, they all scattered around doing my orders

I looked at BTS intently which they returned. Each of us thinking of the same thing


"For the people.."

"And for the world.."

*Inserts epic background music*

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hahah.. I feel like I was just messing up with this chapter XD

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