Chapter 3: First day

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I woke up to bright light caused by the sun

"Can't I sleep more?" I mumbled

"Same here~" I heard a deep voice say behind you

I felt something was wrapping around my waist and legs. I turned my gaze to my body and saw a hand wrapped along my waist and a leg wrapping around my legs. I also felt breathing on MY neck

I turned around and saw a face staring right back at me. We both widened our eyes and quickly stood up

"What were you doing on my bed?!" I shouted at him

"Warmth" He simply said while walking to the bathroom

"YAHH! I GO FIRST!" I complained

"Not when i'm here" he replied while closing the door

Tsk, better make some breakfast then

I slowly walked to the kitchen and made breakfast (Bacon and eggs).

After finishing eating, I left some for Yoongi because I still have a heart *cough* I put fast spell on his coffee *cough*

(Fast Spell
Will make everything you do fastly, sounds good at first, but can actually be something irritating to the person/thing casted, only the one who casted the spell can break it)

I decided to walk my lazy ass up to my closet and get my school uniform ready.

School uniform ✔
Backpack ✔
Myself ❌

I still haven't washed up! What's taking him so long?

30 minutes later...

He soon got out the bathroom, fully washed while wearing his uniform

"And they said boys take longer than girls.." I mumbled but enough for him to hear

"Y-yah! I just needed to do some shaving!" He stuttered

"For 30 minutes? I don't think so~" I trailed off while closing the bathroom door

Time to take a nice bath! I was about to lift my shirt when I felt someone looking at me. I slowly turned my head to the wall. There I saw a little hole and an eye staring back at me, the person widened his eyes and shouted

"V! SHE FOUND OUT!" The person shouted, sounded like a boy. By that time, I wanted to play with him and created a lightning spark on my hand, I trailed it to the hole and ordered the lighting to give a little electric shock to whoever was peeking at me.

After a few seconds...

"NAMJOON HYUNG! ARE YOU OKAY?" I heard from the other side.

I used my land magic and covered up the hole with cement

I sighed and went back to taking a small bath

10 minutes later..

I finished combing my hair and was ready to go outside the bathroom

"Huh? Why ya still there hun?" I asked Yoongi who was sitting down on his bed

"WHAT.DID.YOU.DO?" He said while glaring at me

"Did what?" I asked inoccently

He tried walking to me but instead ran and fell on me

"Hun, I know im beautayfaul but dont be too exited" I sassily said the word 'beautiful'

"Reverse the spell! Now!" He shouted at my face

"Jeez, ok" I said while reversing the spell

"Well, better teach the guys next door a lesson" I said while walking through the wall

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