Chapter 14: New friend

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Narrators' POV

Before SooMi could finish her sentence, the lights went out.

Everyone stood in there place, not daring to make any moves.

Hoseok got a little scared so he decided to call out to the others

"Guys? I-i'm scared- AHHHH"

Just then, he felt something hold his whole body tightly and rested his right hand on the wall(or so he thought)

Instead of feeling the cold hard wall, he felt something soft and fluffy, but before he could even think about how it was, he felt something grab unto his hand and the next thing he knew, he was flipped over

"Who are you?!" A fierce and menacing voice said. Hoseok knew this voice, it was too familiar...

"EunBi?" Hoseok said unconsciously

"OMG OPPA!" A girl that was unfamiliar to all of you shrieked out and everyone was startled

"Who said that?" Jimin practically screamed. He still couldn't see anyone since the lights were still out

"Oh, I forgot!" Just then, the lights went back on

Jimin POV

I felt myself getting flipped along with the person who I was hugging and iT HURTS LIKE HELL,

The lights suddenly went back on and I saw who I was hugging

"WHAT?! Ewwwww, get away from me!! Your dirty water toucheu my faceu!" Hoseok hyung said in a disgusted face and I quickly scrambled away from him

"Oppa!" A girl suddenly came running towards Hoseok hyung and attacked him with a big hug

"Sorry to interupt but, who are you?" Namjoon said which made the unknown girl break the hug with Hoseok hyung and look at Namjoon hyung with a slight frown before turning into a small smile.

It didn't look sincere though

OoOoh whose this girl?

Shut up Bambam

Aww~ okay then, byee!!

"Did Hoseok never tell you? I am Hwang Eun Bi, Hoseok's  childhood girl bestfriend!" The girl said cheerfully while smiling from ear to ear

We all looked over to Hoseok hyung and Jin hyung looked at him with the 'explain-now' look

"I-uh- E-eunBi, can you please go to the kitchen first? SooMi will assist you" Hoseok hyung stuttered out and looked over to SooMi with puppy eyes. SooMi just rolled her eyes and told EunBi to follow her to the kitchen

"So guys.."


Ugh, I can't believe I won't be hearing his explanation, and worst, I have to assist this EunBi person! Don't hate on meh, i'm just suspicious of her since she just came out of nowhere, and to add up on the list, she showed up when the lights were out

Just keep your gaurd up if your doubting her, but she looks kind and... cute though so I don't think she will be much trouble

Yah! Whose side are you really on? My side or EunBi?


Aish~ whatever

Without realising, we were already infront of a door that looks like it leads to the kitchen. I still don't know where's where so I was just guessing

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