Chapter 29: The Devil/His death

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I didn't check any mistakes in the chapter so sorry if it is wrong in spelling or grammar.

Anyways, thank you so much for 1k views!!!! This really means alot to me and boosts up my self confidence so much!



I pushed Taehyung to the ground. Basically me hovering on top of Taehyung and him below me

The vampire clawed my back with great force which caused me to roll over beside Taehyung.

Taehyung got up and stabbed the vampire with his dagger while I groaned from the incredible pain.

My wings that were once clean and white was not painted with dark red blood. I winced in pain as my hands made in contact with my big wound.

I looked around and saw the others already having big or small wounds in their body. But still, they kept fighting

One child commoner was brutally killed by a vampire which ached my heart. My vision started to get blurry as I hissed in pain. Taehyung kept calling out to me but his calls were no more than muffles in my head.

I clutched at my head and fully fell down..... closing my eyes

I'm here!...

Taehyung POV

I screamed loudly as I saw SooMi closing here eyes. But not long after... it opened.

My eyes gleamed with hope as she looked around her surroundings once again. But something was a little off about her...

Her eyes were cold and blank and the aura around her seemed to have some kind of killing intent.

She stood up from her position and stretched her wings which were..... black?

Her wound was now healed as she gave off a very dark aura

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Her wound was now healed as she gave off a very dark aura.

The others seemed to notice this and shifted their gazes at her.

Each and every vampire/demon/devil/werewolf all looked at her with scared eyes but she just smirked it off.

"As the darkness consumes you, you shall crumble into dust and die.." I heard her whisper. Instantly, dark shadows came all over the place, consuming the invaders and killing them instantly. As the darkness crawled over to me and the others, we felt nothing.

She then flew up to the sky leaving us in question


I feel it... she's here

"Hello SooMi, you must know that i'm taking over" a familiar voice came over

"Yes" I replied simply

"I shall be going then?" She said

"Sure. But don't harm the boys please, Tisiphone"

"Sure do"

Tisiphone POV

I finally got to breath in fresh air again. Staying in one room with that Lisa girl is already enough for me -_- she's too noisy and disturbs my peaceful sleep!

Well back to reality. I emitted a dark aura around me and cast a spell. Soon all the invaders were dead but I sensed more coming so I left the guys there to fight them.

I flew upwards and went face to face with Lucifer again.

"I see your finally back, Tisiphone" He said with a cunning smile

"Stop the chat I need to finish you off fastly" I whined but still kept my cold tone

"Awe, not so fast my grandaughter. Don't you want to say hi to me?" He said emphasizing the part grandaughter making my anger grow more

"Waddaya say, join forces with me and rule the world?" He said in a voice I really hate. And bitch why would he think I would even join with him?! This fucker needs to die.

"Shut up old bitch you need to die" I said carelessly which caused him to get angry. Bingo!

"You piece of shit!" He yelled and swing his scythe to me. I quickly summoned my death scythe and blocked the attack

 I quickly summoned my death scythe and blocked the attack

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(Scythe only)

Lucifer hissed and retreated his scythe. I swing my scythe with inhumane speed and wounded his waist. He groaned in pain but I noticed his wounds healing so I wounded him again, this time in his legs.

He looked at me angrily and tried swinging his scythe to my neck but I dodged it and kicked his legs where I wounded. Ouch, that must've hurt! Too bad i'm not sorry

I smirked and wounded his left wing when he was off guard. His flying was unstable and fell down in a very fast speed.

I followed him down and mocked him by telepathy

He glared at me one final time

"I will come back again! Watch out!" That was his final words before falling to his death.

I smiled wt myself proudly before letting SooMi's consciousness come back to the world.

Bye bye beautiful world, i'll miss you!

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