Chapter 12: Mess

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Lisa POV

I was suddenly pulled by some black strings and I couldn't remove it from me. It kept pulling and pulling me until I got out of SooMi's consciousness, oh no, this is bad..

I looked at SooMi and saw she was slowly closing her eyes

"SOOMI! ARE YOU OKAY?! BYUN SOOMI! ANSWER ME!" I was getting worried, she suddenly fainted but I catched her before her body could touch the ground. I looked infront of me and saw the rest of the bts members being carried by familiar figures and they all looked at me. Thats when I recognized them

"Got7.." I can't believe it, I missed them..

"Missed us little fella?" Jackson came near me while carrying Namjoon. (I have no idea how they did it but whatevs lmao)

"Oh come on Jackson-" My words were cut out when the lights went on again

All the students were still in their seats and were shocked to see the 8 protectors like that

"Guys~ let's just use Lisa's teleportation thingy!" Jackson whined while I just rolled my eyes

"Everyone hold onto me" I said and they held onto my hand, shoulder but Yugyeom held unto my waist while holding Taehyung with his other hand ○.○ I just sighed at his actions and teleported ourselves to their dorm

Everyone let go of me and placed the 7 protectors on their beds while I carefully placed SooMi in her bed and rested her head on my lap

"Does anyone know why they collapsed?" I asked them and they just looked at me and shrugged

"I think someone put a spell on them, probably a jelous person who wanted to be a protector" Jinyoung suggested

"I think your right, I did see someone glaring at them while thetowhere

"Hey Lisa, did you know Jimin actually likes SooM-" his words were cut off by SooMi suddenly moving her head

"SooMi! Are you okay?!" I asked her worriedly


I opened my eyes to be greeted with a the scene of people fighting. Everything was wrecked, families were running around everywhere trying to find safety while fireballs were being thrown around everywhere

Suddenly, the ground started shaking, multiple screams were heard but that was not what took my attention, it was the ground

A big crack could be seen and after a few minutes later, with the earthquake stll on going, different creatures came out of the crack. Dark red winged creatures with horns flew out of the crack, along with black lions making their way towards the people they could see.

Suddenly, 8 majestic looking people came flying from the skies, 7 of them being boys and 1 of them being a girl, they started fighting off the creatures while using weopons and magic. The girl turned around and I was able to see who it was...


She looked towards my direction but her stare went pass me. She widened her eyes and shouted incoherent words and started to run towards my direction

I looked behind me and saw one of the 7 boys getting stabbed in the heart by one of the creatures. Lisa soon reached the boy and she started fighting the creature until it disapeared into dust. She shifted her gaze unto the boy and breaked down crying while placing the boy's head in her lap

The boy looked at Lisa and smiled softly at her, he reached out to touch Lisa's cheek and wiped her tears. The way he looked into Lisa's eyes were indescribable, it had a mixture of sadness, happiness, sorrow and guiltiness. He took his last breath starring at Lisa for the last time and smiled peacefully..

Lisa was now flaming in anger, LIKE LITERALLY! Purple fire surrounded her as her wings changed from purple to black, her hands turned into claws and her eyes were pure purple. She flew upwards and glanced at everything that was happening. I don't know how I saw it but a tear fell down from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks then fell from the sky and landed infront of me. The tear turned into a beautiful purple gem which looked familiar to me. The necklace..

Not long after, a woman, maybe in her 50s, walked towards the gem and took it into her hands. She looked up the sky before smiling ever so softly at the flying figure and walked away

The ground started shaking again, only but this time it wasn't caused by an earthquake, something was comming out of the crack. And by the looks of it, it was something big-

I opened my eyes and panted heavily

"SooMi! Are you okay?!" I heard a familiar voice ask me

I looked to my right and saw none other than Lisa looking at me worriedly. I looked around the room and saw the 7 other boys from my dream

"Lisa, who are they?" I pointed at the seven boys infront of me. They looked at each other before bowing to me

"Hello SooMi, we are GOT7! My name is Jaebum! This boy over here is Mark, next to him is BamBam, Jackson, Yugyeom, Jinyoung, and Youngjae!" One of the boys introduced all of them by himself

"They were the previous 8 protectors alongside with me" Lisa whispered into my ear making me eyes widen

"Wahhh, amazing! It's really an honour to meet you!" I smiled at them which they gladly returned. Suddenly, shuffling could be heard and was followed by a groan

"Ahh~ wait, who are they? SooMi?" I looked to the other bed next to me and saw Jungkook looking at the boys and Lisa suspiciously until his gaze stopped at one of the boys

"Mark?! What are you doing here? How did you get out?" His eyes widened in shock while I was there, minding my own buisness. I kind of figured out they were also on BTS' minds so I wasn't shocked when Jungkook knew one of them

Before Mark could reply, the next bed to Jungkook started moving and in the covers came out Yoongi with the most annoyed face ever and was followed my the other members waking up too

"Surprise?" Lisa said unsurely

25 minutes later..

It took them exactly 25 minutes to cope with the situation. YoonGi nearly beat the shit out of all the boys (which I didn't know he was capable of doing, considering he is always slacking off in his bed) and Namjoon was having a mental breakdown of all the thinking. To simplify it, everything was a mess!

So yeah, I know I made a very bad chapter today so I am very sorry, I just can't focus too much because of my sickness😔

But I still love you guys so you just have to wait for future chapters, byeee!!! ❤❤😂

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