Chapter 28: The Angel

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I forced myself to stand up even if it hurts so much, I must not show weakness to him.

I used up my magic and threw a rather bigger light ball towards him which he dodged swiftly. He ran up to me taking his chance and enchanted his sword out loud

"By the power of darkness! I therefore transform this sword into the red scythe!" His sword turned into a tall black scythe and aimed for me. Not knowing what to do, I blocked myself with my hands and waited for something to happen

3 seconds...

5 seconds...

8 seconds...

Nothing happened.

I slowly opened my eyes and took a peak. I looked up to see a blue scythe protecting me from the attack.

I stood up carefully and looked around me with wide eyes. There was a blue-ish transparent magical barrier around me. The scythe then floated towards me and by instincts, I held onto it.

Instantly feeling a wave of power flow through my body, I finally got my will to fight again.

Instantly feeling a wave of power flow through my body, I finally got my will to fight again

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I felt something growing out of my back. When I looked behind I had.... wings?! It was very shiny colored white, it was very bright and seemed to have a light of it's own.

The barrier around me vanished as my eyes landed on Lucifer. He had a shocked look on his face and he seemed to be trembling.

I ran up to him full force and brought my scythe up. I aimed for his chest and *slash* he fell down to the ground. Blood was gushing out of his deep wound and by the looks of it, won't be stopping anytime soon.

He looked at me angrily and stood up, revealing his white wings which had a few black feathers. Just like the myth, he was a fallen angel

He pulled out his red scythe and flew away

"Hey you coward! Come back here!" I yelled. I flew up to the sky and followed him.

He turned around to me with a smirk

"Mid-air fight?" He smirked evily knowing that I wasn't used to flying in the air, let alone fighting.

He was the first to attack but I quickly dodged it with my scythe. He swinged to the right and tried wounding my waist but I flew up. I swinged my scythe to his wings and made a decent cut. He fell a little and his flying was now unstable.

I looked down and saw a werewolf ready to claw at Taehyung without him noticing since he was busy fighting off a vampire.

I widened my eyes and flew down as fast as I could



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