Chapter 19: Hobi Angel😇

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"Wake up!" I jolted awake as I heard someone scream. I looked around and saw an unfamiliar figure staring back at me with bored eyes

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" I asked her warily

"There had been trouble in the main city, the mayor is requesting for your presence along with the other Protectors to help them. He does not wish to disturb His Highness so please understand" The person said before disappearing once again. I sighed and lied back down only to notice a very hard surface. I turned behind me and saw I was oN TOP OF JUNGKOOK?!

I scurried away from him and ended up beside him. I turned to the other side away from Jungkook only to be greeted with a sleeping YoonGi.


I stumbled a little as I stood up because I was still half sleepy. I looked around and noticed all of them (including Seventeen and EunBi) have been scattered around the floor. I recalled last nights events and sighed yet again. 

Guess I'll have to use this method

I took out a megaphone and yelled

"WAKE UP YOU KIDS!!" Even though I only met Seventeen yesterday, we have gotten quite close so they wouldn't mind me shouting at their faces, right?

A few seconds later, I heard a few groans. Jimin was first to wake up since he was sensitive to noise. (Bcz he has sound magic. duhh)

I tried yelling again and this time, they started waking up.

"Whats with the yelling?! I was just about to do a freestyle move with my horse!" Hoseok groaned

"Well, better save that for later, the  mayor of the main city is asking for help" I said

"Why? What happened to the main city? And why did the mayor ask for your help instead of His Majesty?" Minhao asked curiously

"Because we're the 8 protectors? Duhh, I mean what other reason would there be?" I said in a stating voice.

"Your what?! OH MY GOD WE DIDN'T NOTICE! WE SHOULD'VE TREATED YOU WITH MORE RESPECT! PLEASE FORGIVE US!" Minhao suddenly started kneeling down along with the other Seventeen members and EunBi was just stifling her laugh. I looked at them wide eyed and said

"No need to apologize! We'd rather be treated as a normal human being rather than that" The rest of the Seventeen members raised their heads and looked at me

"You won't hurt us?" Vernon asked

"Of course not! Why would I?" I said and they all smiled at me before standing up 

"We'll be going now, we wish you luck on your mission in the main city!" And with that, they disappeared. (Teleportation magic😉)

"Let's go?" We all nodded at Namjoon and transformed into our battle clothes and teleported to the mayor's office.

"Good heavens your here! Vampires had attacked our city! Please help us!" I looked around and noticed everything was shattered. The roof of the office was no longer there and screams from the citizens was all I heard.

I flew straight up into the sky along with the other BTS members and stared at the mess the Vampires made. Vampires are another race in hell that is also a part of the demon race so it wouldn't be a surprise if the king of hell sent them in attempt to take over at least a part of the world

Suddenly, fireballs started shooting towards us which caught us of guard. YoonGi made a protective barrier around us so that we won't get damaged

"God damn their strong, I don't think I can hold up this barrier very long if they kept attacking!" YoonGi yelled and we quickly flew back down to the ground as YoonGi canceled his spell

Just then, a fireball was thrown to me by one of the vampires but I dodged it even though it did hit my in the arm, it wasn't a big deal. (Or so I thought)

"Taehyung and Jimin, you find other un-wounded survivors while Jin and YoonGi find wounded survivors and bring them away from the city. Me, Jungkook, Hoseok and Namjoon will fight off the vampires" They nodded to my orders set out to find survivors

I attacked the nearest vampire and grabbed his neck. I made a dagger out of light magic and stabbed it through it's heart

We all started fighting against the vampires until a my chest was hit by a fireball. I fell down due to the impact and hit my head making me unconscious

Hoseok POV

I looked over to SooMi and saw her lying on the ground unconscious. Her mouth was half open with light seeping through. That's when I realized,


Oh no, this is bad. If she loses too much of her light she'll die! I can't let that happen! Before I knew it, anger was building up inside of me

3rd person POV

Namjoon and Jungkook stared at Hoseok with shock. Hoseok's wings got bigger and his eyes turned into glowing white. His once dirty and torn clothes were replaced by white shining armor with a golden sun pendant in the middle of his chest-plate. Hoseok flew upwards and chanted unfamiliar words and soon after, bright light was emitted through his hands as he pointed at all the vampires in the place. Each and every vampire was engulfed by the bright light and exploded into dust.

"You could've just done that before instead of tiring yourselves from fighting" Jin murmured to himself as he stared at the angel-like person flying in the air with his majestic wings keeping him up the sky.

Hoseok flew down to SooMi and checked her pulse

"She's still breathing, good" He placed his hands on top of her upper chest and started chanting again. His palms glowed a light blue color before dying down again.

"I'll bring SooMi back home, i'll leave you both in charge" Hoseok said as he eyed the two (Namjoon and Jungkook)before carrying SooMi bridal style and flying towards their home.

Hoseok opened the door carefully and walked to SooMi's room. He gently placed her sleeping figure in her bed as Hoseok planted a kiss on her forehead.

"If only you knew how much I love you, Byun SooMi..."

hello everyone! I just wanna thank all of you for helping me reach 500+ reads! Thank you all so much this really means alot to me😇😇

Aww, now i'm all shy😹...

Luv u all!💜💜💜

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