Chapter 15: Mystery Book

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" *clears throat* HEY GUYS! WHAT DID I MISS?" Jimin suddenly came in and jumped right between me and Taehyung

"Oh hey SooMi! What happened? What did I miss in the movie?" He smiled widely at me. (Too wide..)

I just smiled awkwardly at him and replied with "I don't know, I didn't watch that part, EUNBI! WHAT DID JIMIN MISS?!" I'm a great friend aren't I? Passing my responsibility to my friend

"Oh, he only missed that scene and also a very cute scene in where SooMi and Ta-" I cut her off by covering her mouth tightly

She started hitting on my hand so I let her go and she took a long exagerated breath.

"I nearly died!" She said to me while clutching on her chest where the heart is located

"I wish.." I whispered but enough for her to hear

"Yahh! I HEARD THAT!" She warned me but I just smiled innocently at her and continued watching the movie with Jimin clinging into my arm like a child *sigh*

30 minutes later..

The movie finished and we all stood up and stretched.

" *yawn* how long were we even sitting there?" Jimin let out a little yawn and I smiled faintly at how cute it looked. Wait, cute? Um... I didn't say that...

"Ahh, got to go guys, bye! Thanks for the movie and the food!" EunBi smiled at us cheekily before going out of the door completely

We all stared at each other with an awfully awkward silence until Taehyung decided to break the ice

"I'm going to my room, bye guys!" He cheered and walked off

Just then, I remembered something else

"I'll just go to my room" I said but then remembered I didn't know where my room was

"Wha- Ohh~ your that person father has been talking about that will be living with us too! Come here, follow me! I know where your room is!" Jimin gave me his charming smile before carrying my luggage up the stairs

"Jimin! I can do that by myself! Give it back!" I yelled at him but too late, he was already up the stairs

"Wow, your so fast!" I panted as I reached the top of the stairs. The living room was quite big and the stairs were pretty long so I had to take a few deep breaths when I got upstairs

Jimin continued walking along the corridors so I just followed him silently until he suddenly stopped infront of a certain door

"Heres your room!" He said happily and opened the door

"Wow~ Daebak! I really love it!"I said in awe

"Okay, i'll just put your luggage here" Jimin placed my luggage beside my bed and walked out the door

"Thank you!" I screamed as loud as I can so he could hear it

I heard a faint "your welcome" and I smiled to myself silently

I opened up my suitcase and took out a red scythe and a black book and layed it out on a table which looks to be my study desk

I examined the book carefully and slowly opened it.

I looked at the hand writing and it was all messed up so I had to look carefully to know what was written

"Tо lie is to betrаy. Tо love is to live. Аn event that will tаke plасe, аn event that will make a change.
One person out of many, a person that is connected to your destiny.
Stay with that person and he'll stay with you forever, together as friends or together as lovers.
Choose wisely, for this will lead your destiny."

Thats weird, why do I feel like it's directed to me? I turned to the next page and read what was inside

"An evil force versus a group of supernatural people. A battle that will repeat the same fate as before, a fate that is as tragic as before. Be careful of anyone too close to you, cause they are destined to turn their backs on you. As for the seven, whatever may come upon them, they shall never turn their backs on you, be it life or death, they have no fear to face as long as it is for you."

Woahh, why do I feel something in my cheeks? I reached out to my cheeks and tried to wipe out whatever it was. But to my surprise, it was tears!

Why was I even crying?

Whatever, I think I should go out for a while, maybe do some little exploring in the neighborhood.

I walked to my suitcase and took out whatever clothes that I could find since it was quite messy and wore it

I walked to my suitcase and took out whatever clothes that I could find since it was quite messy and wore it

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I walked downstairs while tying my hair and headed for the kitchen

I took a glass of water and headed out. But as soon as I got to the door, I heard a voice calling out to me

"SooMi! Where are you going?" I turned around and saw Jimin walking up to me

"Oh, i'm just gonna explore the neighborhood, wanna join?" I asked him and he nodded happily and clung into my arm

"Y-yah, why are you always c-clinging into my arm?" I stuttered out. Why am I getting flustered?

I felt my cheeks getting warm so I quickly faced the other way and heard Jimin chuckle a little

"Why did you face there? Don't hide from me, i'm not gonna bite ya" I felt Jimin's tiny hands hold my chin and made me face him

Our faces were so close that I could feel his breathe hit my face. We stared into each other for so long until I snapped out of my trance and realized our awkward position.

"J-jimin? Let's get going now?" Gosh why do I keep stuttering?! He was staring at my lips then he suddenly smiled

"Okay" he answered me and held my hand while dragging me outside the gate

We walked around aimlessly as we chattered about our life that we didn't even realize the time. I felt really comfortable with him and I felt like I wanna stay with him forever. What? No, we're just friends, and I also have feelings for someone else, right? No one would like to be with me..

I pointed out the dark sky then his eyes widened

"Jin hyung is gonna kill us!"

Bad chapter *sigh*

The next few chapters are gonna be about SooMi falling for each member and a little about the book thingy. The reason for the scythe is gonna be revealed maybe at the end of the story or somewhere in the story *wink*

After SooMi falls for them, your gonna have to pick who she wants to be with forever, you don't have to vote 'cause I will be making separate endings of SooMi and each member😁😁

Thank you for reading this chapter, luv you!❤❤

(Sorry, I really wanted to type that for some reason, lol)

1063 words

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