Chapter 8: Transformation

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(I seriously don't know where this story is heading to but here goes nothin')

Nobodys POV

12 un-ordinary boys were chatting with each other when suddenly, a stunningly beautiful girl barged inside the room.

The tension in the room grew as one of the boys asked if she heard anything they talked about. The girl said no and walked out of the room.

However, the 12 boys weren't convinced with her answer but the purple gem hanging from her neck caught their attention. The boys all looked at each other before nodding and black smoke started to come out of the ground.

The black smoke consumed the 12 boys but they didn't seem bothered and instead, loved it.

After the black smoke was gone, the 12 boys no longer looked humans. They were in their real form

They looked really pale and there eyes were all black. Their hair was very messy and in their heads grew black horns

The boys took out a black cloak and wore it, hiding every little detail of their face and body. They secretely followed the said girl who had no idea whats to happen to her.

When the girl was alone, one of the boys decided to put a spell to her to make her lost.

The girl looked around as she heard whispers in her back and in her ears. The girl felt scared as she thought of what could happen to her.

One of the boys decided to show up infront of her, the girl got terrified and ran, but to no avail, the boys still caught up to her.

The youngest one of the boys came up behind her back and hit her head with a rock.

The boys all gathered around her and stared at her knocked out figure. One of them carried her to a little portal and went through it

"She sure does look like the 8th protector"

"Yes she does, now let's take her to his majesty"

"I'm sure he'd love to get his hands on her"


Little did they know, another group of boys followed them too...


"Hey Hoseok! It's too cramped in here! Move somewhere else!"

"But hyung! This is the best spot to see what their doing!"

"Shhhh, they might hear us! Keep it down!"

"Mianhe hyung~"

BTS was inside a small room, the room was the size of a janitors closet but just a little wider. The room was filled with weaponry such as swords, bow and arrows, scythes, and pocket knifes.

"Don't worry hyung, i'll put a spell so that our voices can't be heard, but i'm still not that good at it so our voices will just sound like whispers to them"

"Oh look! Here they come, everyone keep quiet!"

Your POV

You woke up to a very dark room, your surroundings felt different, it felt like something you wouldn't want to feel. Hell..

How did I get in here? And why do I know the feeling of hell? Simple answer, I don't know

Just then, 12 cloaked figures came in view, I tried moving around but then I realized, I was chained up

"You've finally awoken from your sweet sleep"

That voice..

"Too bad you won't be waking up to sweet reality"

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