Chapter 30: Describe the Members

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I was finally back in my original form(human form)

Although I didn't have those wings etc. anymore, I still had the powerful magic inside of me. Bts looked at me surprised but then went to their calm state again

I stared at their figures. Everyone had wounds here and there, little cuts in their battle clothes and messy hair. But wait, where's Jin?

"SooMi! Guys!" Just as I was about to ask, a familiar figure cam3 running towards us


Aish, why did I have to teleport so far away from the battle scene? (So far away kekeke)

As soon as I saw SooMi and the guys, I came dashing towards them

I arrived there with my hands on my knees while panting. I have to warn them!

"SooMi! Guys! *breath* we have to get ready fast! Because exactly at twelve o'clock the 2nd batch of enemies will arrive" I warned

"That wasn't the end?!" -Jungkook

"Hey Joonie, what's the time?" Yoongi asked

"Oh its.... 4:17pm" Namjoon said, pausing a little bit as he looked at his watch

"So we only have 8 hours to get ready then" Taehyung murmured

Jimin POV

We all remained quiet as we were stuck in thought

"Ok so..." SooMi trailed off

"Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung and Yoongi, you four can clear up the mess here. Maybe take out the rocks that fell out and a few dead bodies. You guys are kinda like the destruction team so that won't be a problem right?" She looked at the four with hopeful eyes which the four nodded in response

"Ok so the rest will be with me. We are going to look for more survivors and bring them to the safe zone. Hoseok and Jungkook can heal the wounded while me and Jimin can search for survivors. Jimin can use his sharp hearing to hear if anyone is calling out for help, right?" We all nodded and smiled brightly at her

"Don't worry leader SoonMi! We can do it!" We said in sync and saluted at her. She just smiled and chuckled

"Okay. Off you go! We only have 8 hours to finish all that" she said and grinned

With that, we all scattered to our groups.

3 hours later..

Jungkook and Hoseok Hyung had already gone to the safe zone and started healing while me and SoonMi scattered around the broken buildings and below the fallen walls. We had to go by the destruction team's area to save the survivors they found buried under the pile of rocks and also a few dead bodies of people that needed a proper burial.

We lined up the dead bodies in a straight line and brang the wounde survivors straight to the safe zone to get cured.

We were currently inside an abandone building, searching for any possible living creature when a question suddenly popped in my mind

"SooMi... after all this.... mess, are you gonna choose?" I asked her

"What choos- ohh. I still need a little more time... i'm still not sure about my feelings, but i'm getting there" she said nervously

"So, what do you think about us?" I asked again. She didn't hesitate to answer as her eyes gleamed with happiniess

"Well, starting from Jin. He is very sweet and loving, he is kind all the time but sometimes gets short tempered, he takes care of all of us and is a good father figure *chuckle*. Second is YoonGi. He may appear cold but he is very soft in the inside, there were moments where he would help me when i'm down and protect me when theres a need, something like an over protective boyfriend, hahah. Next is Hoseok. He is a very happy go lucky person, he is always cheerful and has the ability to light up the mood no matter how down it is, he is very cute when he does his aegyo. Aaaannddd here comes Namjoon. He always destroys everything he touches, i'm even afraid he might destroy my heart! Lol joke, hehehe, he is very good with words and knows how to react when a certain event comes, he is a very calm person but can get cute most of the time without him even knowing. Taehyung..... Taehyung is a very weird person, you can never guess what he's gonna do next, he overloaded with cuteness, and is very caring and sweet at times. Jungkook is very shy, so far he is the only member in all of you that doesn't treat me all princess-sy all the time, he is very caring and cute." She said smiling


I noticed that each time I complimented the members, Jimin's frown would deepen more and more. He would amsent mindedly murmur "i'm also sweet" or "i'm also nice" from time to time when I say those things about the members. I left him out on purpose

"What about me? What do you think of me?" Jimin asked with a frown. I smiled widely at him and said

"You. You are very adorable. But sometimes you don't believe in yourself... believe in me, you are very cute and nice. You care about your members more thn yourself, you are very sweet and caring, Park Jimin" I finished off with a grin

I felt the atmosphere around us lighten up and his once frown fac became all smiley. He smiled so wide that his eyes almost disappeared!

But his question got me thinking.... after all this mess...... who would I choose? I can't have them all together, that would be just plain selfish.... but what would happen to the others if I don't choose them? I'll have to decide by the end of the battle.... I can't leave them waiting for so long.

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