Chapter 6: Lisa

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I was walking along the corridor when I heard footsteps following me, I tried ignoring it but it got louder and louder. I quickly looked behind me but saw nothing. Must be my imagination

I went back to walking while humming some random tunes.


There it is again! The footsteps is there again! I took a deep breath, getting irritated. If these footsteps won't stop anytime soon, i'm using teleportation.

I started increasing my speed and soon enough, I was running, the footsteps became quicker and faster and before I knew it, I bumped into a wall.


Wait, the wall is talking?! I looked infront of me and saw a cloaked figure standing in my way.


The figure was reaching closer and closer to me. Teleport! Now! I heard a voice inside me say, I shut my eyes tightly and waited for something to change.


The hard ground I was standing on now had a different texture and the sorroundings gave off a different feeling

"You're finally here."

A tired voice said. I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted with a white haired woman.

She looked really young despite her white hair, she wore a dark purple dress with long black robes. She gestured me to go nearer so I followed.

"T-take this.." she handed me a purple necklace

I looked at it hesitantly but took it anyway

"D-did you ever dream of a girl named L-lisa?" She asked me as she looked at me with her lifeless eyes. I nodded silently which earned a chuckle from her

"She's my daughter... now that you are her reincarnation, I want you to take this necklace, I was supposed to give it to her when she won the battle, but sadly, she didn't." She glanced at me for a while then closed her eyes

"That necklace.. holds extra ordinary power, use it wisely for it can grant all the wishes if it's holder. Just hold unto it and close your eyes.. make a wish, then let go. *deep sigh* d-don't let it get to the w-wrong... hands...."


Is she- what I think it is? DID SHE DIE?!

She started fading away into dust. The quiet sobs I could hear in my mind, was it from her daughter?

Lisa? Is that you?


Don't cry..

*faint sobs* I-i'll try..

I was quite shocked when someone actually did reply in my mind

Can we please look around for a moment? I just want to remember the good old times I use to be here..

I mumbled a quick "ok" and walked around. I first went to a closet and opened it

Can't believe mother still keeps my clothes..

I took out some of the clothes inside and laid it infront of me and faced the mirror


You can have that



Are you really ok about it?


Thank you!!

I took out all the clothes/dresses inside of the closet and placed it inside an old bag I found in the house, I suddenly felt attached to it, as if it had always been mine from the beginning. What is this feeling?

(After going around the whole house)

You can go back to the school now, SooMi


I closed my eyes and teleported to my dorm. I opened my eyes and saw a wide-eyed bangtan.

"What are you doing here?" I asked them as I eyed them all suspiciously. Aren't they supposed to be in their own dorms?

As I looked closely, I saw another girl sleeping peacefuly on my bed!

"What's she doing here?! Especially, what's she doing in my bed??!!" I was getting frustrated as they just looked at me blankly

"More like what are you doing here." YoonGi glared at me

"Ok, first of all, I did NOT start the fight between us, it was her! If I didn't fight back, then I could've died!" Ok, i'm in my frustrated mode now..

"" Namjoon threw me a bag containing all my belongings

"And never come back.." He pushed me outside and I just stared at the wall dumbfounded

(Incase you forgot, they use a go-through wall to get inside their dorms instead of a door. My reason? Just because...)

*sigh* hey SooMi, let's juet move in with EXO, I think that would be a better option rather than standing there like an idiot. Lisa said


I walked towards the number 84 across the corridor. Great, all I need to do now is to walk in. I exhaled deeply and took a step towards the wall, but surprisingly, I bumped into it! I leaned into the wall and talked to myself

"Whaa? Isn't this the righ~ WOOAAAHH AHHHHH" My sentence was cut off when I suddenly fell down through the wall head first

"Aaaaishh, that hurts!" I complained as I rubbed the part of my head that hit the floor.

"Baekhyun! You shouldn't have pulled her inside! Now look!" An unfamiliar voice yelled. I looked up to see 12 guys staring back at me

"Umm.. h-hi?" I said unsurely

"Took you long enough to come here" Sehun said across the room


"Well, we figured that after what happened, they would kick you out of your dorm, and so, we already guessed you'd come here" another guy said

"Yahh guys! Wheres your manners! She still doesn't know who we are!" The guy who seemed to be the leader, shouted at all the boys who were surrounding me which I just noticed now.

"Anyeonghaesayo, we are EXO,
My name is Suho!
you know me, Sehun!"

"Hello EXO, as you may know, my name is Byun SooMi, I hope we get along well.." I said while smiling at them. They all smiled back especially the one named Baekhyun. I raised my eyebrow at him and he giggled

"WE'RE BOTH BYUN'S!!" He shouted and hugged me tightly.

"Yeah right" Xiumin said and walked out of the scene

*Sigh* I hope we get along well...

Q: author-nim! Why didn't you publish in so many days?!
A: well, how could I publish a new chapter when school is in the way? Heheh

Hkpe you enjoy this chapter, byee!

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