Chapter 18: Seventeen!

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Your POV

We both stared at each other awkwardly, one wrong move and our lips would touch. Why do moments like this always happen to me?!?! *cries in all languages*

I stared at his eyes and it showed hurt, love and confusion. Just what has been going on his mind lately? He became less cheerful ever since EunBi showed up, I wonder if he's okay..

"GUYS WE'RE BA- Oh hey EunBi? Who are they? An- uhm, Hoseok? SooMi? What's happening?" I immediately stood up and was followed by Hoseok who seemed to be struggling to stand

"They just tripped and fell~ no more, no less" EunBi said in a teasing voice but was cut off by me and Hoseok's burning glares which made her instantly shut up

"So yeah?" I heard one of the 13 boys whisper to EunBi and she just nodded

"Well hello everyone, we are Seventeen! My name is S.coups! These boys over here are Jeonghan, Joshua, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Seokmin, Minghao, Woozi, Jun, Chan, Hoshi, and Vernon" a guy introduced themselves and I just wriggled my eyebrows at EunBi who seemed to be staring at this Vernon guy with hearts in her eyes.

"Hello, we are BTS! My name is Namjoon, these brats over here are Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, YoonGi and Jin. That beautiful princess over there is SooMi" I blushed a little when Namjoon said 'beautiful' while Seventeen looked like they were glaring at BTS who were doing the same EunBi seemed to have noticed that too

"Anyways, friends?" S.coups reached out his hand for Namjoon to shake which he did

"Truth or dare anyone?" EunBi suddenly asked and we all agreed. Fuck this shit why is EunBi looking at me like dat?! >.<

We all sat in a circle with me and EunBi in between BTS and Seventeen to avoid any drama since they didn't seem to be on good terms

EunBi ♧
BTS Sventeen ○
SooMi ♧

EunBi took out a bottle out of nowhere and placed it in the middle

"I spin!" Taehyung said childlessely and reached out his hand to grab the bottle but Vernon also grabbed the bottle and then glared at each other

"I got this first"-Taehyung

"Well I got this second"-Vernon

"That doesn't make sense"-Taehyung

"Your existence doesn't make sense too"-Vernon

"Shut up"-Taehyung

"Not until you too"-Vernon

"I'm angry"-Taehyung

"No, your Taehyung"-Vernon

"How about I spin the bottle?" EunBi cut off their small fight while I had to force them to take there hands off the bottle which they obeyed.

EunBi spun the bottle which landed on YoonGi

"Truth or dare?"


"What are your thoughts on SooMi?" YoonGi glanced at me and said his answer

"She is someone that would look annoying at first glance but is actually a cute lil' fluffball full of surprises when you get to know her. She is naturally beautiful and can sometimes take a very long while to grasp on a situation (hey!). She is the most beautiful, sweet, caring, loving person I ever met. She makes me fall for her even more.." YoonGi whispered the last part which made us more anxious, even Seventeen

"I'll spin the bottle now" YoonGi spinned the bottle and it landed on Woozi

"Truth or dare?"


"Ooh~ going all tough I see? I dare you to go inside that door and stay there for 5 minutes" YoonGi pointed at a black colored door and Woozi gulped

He slowly walked over the door and opened it. Inside was nothing but darkness, he walked inside and closed the door

"AHHH!!!" Not even one minute later we heard screaming and we were all dying from laughter. The thing is, Woozi didn't notice the very obvious "Prank Room" sign next to the door which we all noticed the second he closed the door

We heard the sound of crashing and was followed by the sound of guitar strings(?) After a few minutes, YoonGi decided to opened the door out of pity.

Woozi came running out whilst gripping on a broken guitar

"Y-you!" Woozi pointed at Yoongi with the broken guitar

"What?" Yoongi said innocently which made Woozi more irritated while we were laughing our asses off because Woozi looked like a crazy madman who just broke a guitar and blaming Yoongi on it

"Sharpen your eyes next time bruh" Minghao said while signaling Woozi to look at the sign that said "Prank Room" next to the door

"oH" Woozi just sat back down at his place because of embarassment. Meanwhile, I felt someone staring at me.... but I just ignored it :P

The bottle spinned and pointed at me

"Truth or dare?"


"Cheeky one, I dare you to sit in Jun's lap" he pointed at this handsome boy who just became red for some apparent reason

"Okay, nothing big"

"-throughout the whole game while holding hands? Btw his hands need to be around your waist!" Woozi continued

"But his lap would hurt and he won't be abl-"

"A dare is a dare" I stood up and stared at Jun helplessely who just looked down. I walked a few steps towards him and sat on his lap

"Hand?" Jun raised his hands and I held it and wrapped it around my waist

"Wow, you do it like it's nothing!" Woozi said. I just stared at him blankly and spun the bottle which landed on Jeonghan

"Dare, cause i'm tough"

"Uhm, ok??? Let me think......" Everyone stared at me impatiently as I did a fake thinking pose

"Kiss Hoseok"

"What?!" -Hoseok

"How did I get into this?" Hoseok whined

Jeonghan nodded and went to Hoseok. Jungkook and Taehyung had to hold down Hoseok so he wouldn't move. Jeonghan started moving closer and closer to Hoseok and their faces were just a few centimeters apart

Jeonghan leaned in but suddenly went up and kissed a strand if Hoseok's hair

"Hey! That's cheating!" I pointed out

"You didn't say a specific part of Hoseok i'm suppose to kiss, so a hair strand is fine" he just smiled at me cheekily and the game moved on. And before we knew it, it was already 7:00 in the morning and we all passed out on each other

"Wake up!"

Next chapter will have a few magic in it again. I nearly forgot the story included magic XD. If you are wondering, I will be adding a new problem into their peaceful lives to make it more interesting again XD.

Idk why i'm so addicted to XD

In a few minutes, Jungkook's birthday is gonna end (here in da Philippines) so imma say my final happy birthday to him today and wait another 1 year to say it again *sigh*


Time: 11:59am

Also luv u all my dear readers!💜💜💜

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