Chapter 13:

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News spread like wild fire about the 8 protectors being taken away by mysterious beings. We had to go to the king to reassure him we were fine so here I am, alogside with Lisa infront of the big throne room doors. We were told to wait here by one of the gaurds as he was just going to notify the king of our presence

"You may come in" the gaurd finally went out and let us go inside

Me and Lisa took a glance at each other before proceeding inside the throne room. I bowed my head as I entered the doors, scared that the king might be angry of the commotion that happened about us.

"What brings you here" the king still doesn't know who the 8 protectors are so I had to introduce myself

"Greetings your majesty, I am the 8th protector, and I am here on behalf of the other protectors to inform you that we are safe" Oh god, please don't be the mean type of king..

"So the rumours weren't true.. anyways, you may now go" He shooed us off like we were a piece of nothing, RuDe!

Lisa teleported us back to the dorm only to see everyone packing up, and thats when I remembered

"Oh shit we need to pack up fast, Lisa! Howcomei'veforgottenabouttheendofschoolthingyohmaygoshLisaIhavesomanythingstopack!" I ranted and Lisa just nodded and did what I told her. I took out my clothes and underwear, careful not to show any of the underwear to the others since they are all boys (duhh)

I took out all the necklaces, stuffed toys, and cards that I got throughout the whole year and placed it in a separated bag. It took me 1 hour to finish packing everything. (Told ya I had alot of things)

Not long after, we heard a knock on the door and was followed by someone opening it.

A tall guy wearing a butler's uniform came inside and looked at us carefully

"I was ordered to tell you that your carriages is ready infront of the gate" He told us and walked off as soon as he finished talking

"So, let's keep in touch, okay?" Hoseok suddenly opened his arms wide and shouted

"GROUP HUG!!" And one by one, we all joined the hug

"Chimchim! I heard your birhtday was 1 week away, aren't you gonna throw a party?" Taehyung suddenly asked

"Ah yes, I almost forgot to invite all of you! Please come to the Park's mansion at 6:00pm at the date of my birthday! Theme is masquerade ball" Jimin replied to Taehyung and all of us

"Yahh, how are we gonna find each other in the ball?" Jin asked

"I know! Lets all wear the mask according to our powers!" Namjoon suggested

"And don't forget to wear these necklaces!" BamBam suddenly came out of nowhere and gave each BTS member a necklace

"Yah yah yah! It has magic inside it so don't give it away easily" Jackson warned them and they all nodded

"Where's SooMi's necklace?" Jungkook asked

"Oh, she already had it before you guys" Lisa said

"What? No fair~" Jungkook whined and Yoongi gave him the 'wtf look' and he shut up

We went outside our dorm and I clutched on my suitcase tightly before continuing walking with them

We went bid our last farewells before approaching our respective carriages. I approached mine and saw my sisters already sitting down waiting for me

"Lisa! How are you gonna come with me without the knowing?" I whispered to her and she stared at my necklace deeply

"Wh- Lisa? Are you okay?" Soon after, Lisa was turned into little purple sparkles of dust which flew towards my necklaace. My necklace shined a little before dimming down again

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