Chapter 20

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Jungkook POV

After ensuring that the city was vampire-free, we flew back to our home and hid our wings again. We went inside the house and locked the door. Namjoon hyung called us at the living room and we all followed. I sat in between Jimin and Taehyung hyung who seemed to be fighting over something but I let them be.


We all turned our attention to Namjoon hyung who seemed to be very serious. He took a big long sigh before continuing

"We all like SooMi right?" My eyes widened and so did the others. Wait a minute, the others like her too??

Namjoon hyung looked at all of us in the eye as if asking 'you like her right?' and we just nod our heads

"WTF?!" We all turned our heads to the door where stood SooMi with an 'O' shaped mouth.

"SooMi!" Hoseok hyung said panicking

"I-... I mean we- um... you see...." I tried thinking of an excuse but couldn't make myself say it

"We all like you" We all looked at Jimin hyung who spilled the beans. My cheeks were getting hot and I couldn't look at SooMi in the eye as she stared at each one of us

"So who do you choose?" Jimin hyung continued as he stared at her seriously. We all looked at SooMi expectantly but she just stared back blushing madly

"Give me time.." SooMi said and we all sighed. She glanced at us once again and left the room. Taehyung suddenly stood up and smirked at us

"May the best man win.."

Your POV

After that 'Confession from BTS' moment, I ran up to my room and closed the door with a bang. I leaned behind the door and slid down while clutching on my knees.

what the heck just happened?

My mind was a total mess right now. I tried using the advice Lisa gave me but it didn't work. Just why did they have to be so nice?

I stood up from my position and walked towards my desk. I planned on reading the next page of that black book thingy before this happened. I just hope this will help me relax a bit

The hardest things in life can sometimes be the ones that will bring you joy or happiness. Endure it and you shall achieve it. The time for truth is near, and so is the death of one of the powerful beings in the universe. Set aside the things that bothers you and focus on the more important things in life, because once it happens, it's too late. The death of this person will bring sadness to those who admire her, while it brings happiness to those who despise her. Don't be easily fooled by things you see with your eyes cause sometimes, the phrase 'to see is to believe' is wrong because your own eyes can easily manipulate you into believing something else. Beware of the signs, for this will let you know it is near, the time when both dead and alive, good and bad, light and dark, powerful and un-powerful, truth and lies, real and fake, will clash with each other. Trust is important, trust those your heart beats to for this day will also be a manipulative day for un-aware people, and oh by the way, wanna know the name of the one who dies? Well, her name is-

Whats this? Why is the page torn? Who dies??? Ugh! Why?! Why do I feel like something bad is gonna happen? I wanna know what happens next! Ugh!


Without knowing, I fell head first on the cold hard floor, unconscious

"Let the games begin..."

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