Chapter 4: IDK what title

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Me, Jungkook, and Jimin had been practicing for our magic performance for a while now, and it's finally time to perform.

The teacher decided to do it at the gym since it was the biggest space we could perform in.

Other groups have performed and can I just say they freakin' didn't slay it. I really mean it! The girls would try making cute faces while showcasing their magic by making them look better. Atleast my sisters did better..

Meanwhile, the boys would fight each other using their magic and would lead to Ms. Right canceling there powers and sent to the principals' office. But, there were 5 boys who wouldn't perform like that, instead, they actually did a decent job.

(Time skipeu)


We walked infront and bowed, we introduced ourselves and started as soon as the teacher signalled us to start.

We all formed a triangle with me being in the front. I started making dark mist coming from below us, making the scene look tense. I started making white stardust-like particles fall from above us but disapears before it could touch the ground

I walked towards Jimin and switched places with him, making him be the one in the front. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to sing. (Ofc he sang Lie! What other song could he have done!)

As soon as he sang his first lyric, I flashed light from behind him which earned a few gasps from the students, even Ms. Right!

I felt Jungkook took a quick glance at me before gesturing something with his hands. Suddenly, background music played and made Jimins' singing better than ever. A.k.a PERFECT!

When Jimins' high notes came, Jungkook made a big spark of light and out came a boquet of red roses.

"For you, Ms. Right" He said while giving to the teacher. Wow, that wasn't even part of the practice..

"Ok, thank you for that un-aggresive performance" She said while eyeing the other boys closely and sighed. We smiled at the teacher and it was time for the next group

"Anyeong! My name is Min Tzuyu, and the two other girls with me are Kim Nayeon and Lee Jeongyeon! We shall now perform!" The teacher gave them the warmest smile and ushered them to continue

It started with Tzuyu in the middle making cute poses with the others, then they started switching places and Nayeon was now in the middle. She started making gestures with her hands and pointed at her uniform. Her uniform turned into a devil-like costume. She purred a little while copying a gesture that cat makes. (Y'know, the hand gesture you do when you purr like a cat lel, her costume in Twice TT >.<)

She changed places with Jeongyeon and Jeongyeon also pointed at her uniform and turned into a pinochio outfit.

They switched places again and Tzuyu was now infront. She first did cute poses which earned a few aww's from both boys and girls, well, except for 7 boys..

As expected, Tzuyu also changed her clothes into this

She looked at each of the 7 boys in the back and glared at me

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She looked at each of the 7 boys in the back and glared at me. Ok, this is the third time i'm saying this... WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!

She turned around and flipped her hair

"Thank you for watching us perform!" She smiled at everyone. She took one last final bow and walked to her seat with the other girls.

(Time skipeu to when everyone finishes performing)

"Ok class, I will now announce the top 3 highest scores,
97% is TzuNaYeon group
95% is SooMinKook group
91% is JeRoJi group

(TzuNaYeon=Tzuyu, Nayeon, and Jeongyeon
SooMinKook=SooMi, Jimin, and Jungkook
JeRoJi= Jennie, Rosè, and Jisoo
Sorry for the bad combination of names!)

Everyone cheered for TzuNaYeon group while me and my groupmates patted each others back

"We did well!" I said. They both looked at me and smiled

"Why don't we eat together in lunch?" Jimin requested


(Time skip lunchtime)

We all stood up and dashed for the door. Jimin held unto my hand and ran to the stairs. Wait a minute, this seems familiar... dèja vu?

He opened a door and was greeted with bright light. We heard a few laughs as the light dimmed down revealing 5 other boys.

"Guys! I brought a friend!" Jimin ran towards the boys while Jungkook followed

"Hello, I am Byun SooMi, nice to meet you!" I said and bowed

"SooMi?!" I heard 3 voices say, I looked up and saw familiar students

"Wait, your Taehyung, Namjoon, and YoonGi!" I said while pointing at each one of them

"Aww~ that means me and Jin hyung are the only left out ones here?" A boy with the brightest aura said.

"Anyways, hello SooMi, I am Kim SeokJin and that boy over there is Jung Hoseok" a guy with broad shoulders said

Taehyung suddenly pulled my hand and made me sit next to him.

"!" He said one by one. I was a little confused on why he wanted me to sit next to him so I stared at him blankly

"Yah! I wanted to sit next to her!" The Hoseok guy yelled at Taehyung who returned it with a smirk.

They started blabbering and starting cat fights when Yoongi suddenly shouted

"STOP! DO.NOT.TALK! How about let's ask her who she wants to sit with!" Everyone looked at me intently while waiting for my reply.

"Uh, um.. Who's the oldest?" I asked them, they all looked at Jin and frowned

"Ok, i'm sitting with Jin!" I said while running to him, they all groaned in annoyance

"Why him?" Jungkook asked innocently

"Because I wanted to sit next to the oldest first" I said. He turned around to face Taehyung and murmured something I didn't hear

"Soo.. why me?" Jin suddenly asked out of the blue. Jeez, too many questions in one day!

"Simple, because oldest is the most mature" I said while munching unto my food

"Okay" He smiled cheekily and continued with his food.

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