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(sorry in advance for the short chapter, im on a trip away from my laptop rn so I'm writing this on my phone and it's rlly annoying, but im gonna keep up with it regardless. btw feel free to interpret this however u want idc which ship ur here for)   

In all honesty, Ray wasn't sure what to do. As he drove around some dark back roads with Henry lying down unconscious across the back seat, he thought about his options. He couldn't take Henry to the hospital. That would mean Henry's parents would find out about his self harming, which Ray knew Henry wouldn't want. Henry's parents probably wouldn't take it well. Not as well as Ray would, which is why Henry called Ray instead of his own parents in the first place. He could take Henry to the man cave, but he wasn't sure he'd know how to, you know, fix the situation himself once he got there. But that was his only decent solution.
Once Ray realized that was his only good plan, he drove to Junk'N'Stuff as fast as he could, which was easy because it was past 3am at this point and nobody else was out driving. He occasionally turned to look at Henry in the backseat. He was breathing slowly, but his face looked as though he were having a bad dream. Once Ray pulled up, he picked Henry up out of the backseat and carried him inside. Ray held him tightly as the elevator dropped down quickly. Schwoz was nowhere to be found, so Ray just tried his best to clean Henry's wounds himself. He found some gauze and gently wrapped it around Henrys arm and then his leg. He hoped that would put enough pressure on the cuts. Ray had never done this before because he'd only ever really known being indestructible. Usually he just let Jasper help Henry when he got hurt, but this time was different. Henry chose to call him. Henry trusted him to fix this, and he wasn't gonna alet him down or let someone else do it.
Ray picked Henry back up carefully and carried him to his own room in the back of the man cave. He figured it'd be safer for Henry to stay with him that night in case anything happened, plus he had to keep an eye on him until he woke up.
Just as Ray set him down on the bed, Henry started to move. His eyes slowly opened.
As Henry looked around, he became confused. He saw Ray standing in front of him.
"R-Ray? Where am I?" His head pounded as he used all his energy to speak.
"Shhhh Henry, it's alright, you're in the man cave. You need to relax, okay?" 
Henry couldn't remember anything from the previous hours. All he knew was he couldn't feel his arm and his head hurt so badly. He glanced at the clock. 4:05 am.
What is going on??? Henry thought briefly, before all his thoughts returned to one blurry mess.
"Ray.." Henry slurred, before passing out again, this time out of exhaustion. Ray looked over to him and saw that he was sleeping again. He lied down next to Henry and wrapped his arm over Henry's torso, in a protective way. He hoped Henry would never have to feel this type of pain ever again.   

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