We Need To Get Out of Here

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Henry looked up at Ray, alarmed. 

"Piper what's going on over there?" Henry said as he heard another voice yelling. It sounded like... his dad?  

He went on, "I'll be there as soon as I can Pipes." Henry, still on the phone, stood up from the bed. Ray looked at him, confused.  

"I should warn you, they know." Piper said quickly. Henry heard glass shattering, followed by Piper screaming. 

"Piper, are you okay??" Henry said before realizing she hung up.  

"Oh God, oh God oh God" Henry said, out of breath and rushing to put his shoes on. 

"Henry what's happening?" Ray asked. 

"Something's going on at my house. Something bad. Pipers there and I need to get there fast" 

"I'll drive you there now, come on kid." Ray said, grabbing his keys. 

They drove to Henry's house quickly. 

"Are you gonna be okay in there? Should I come with you?" Ray asked, concerned, once they pulled up to the house. 

"I should be fine, but can you stay out here in case I need to get out quick?" 

"Of course, call me if you need me to come in." Ray said. 

Henry rushed out of the car and to the front door. When he opened it, his mom and dad were yelling. Piper was sitting on the couch crying. They all quieted when they noticed Henry. 

"Where have you been?!" Jake asked Henry. More like demanded he tell him, but still. 

"I- uh.. Jasper's house. We were working on a project for school and I fell asleep." Henry lied. He could've told them the truth at this point, seeing they were already furious, but somehow he figured "sleeping in my 30 something year old boss's bed" wasn't gonna go over well.  

"Fine. Now tell me WHAT IS THIS?" Jake said as he slapped Henry's blade onto the living room table. 

Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is so bad, Henry thought  

"And why is there blood all over your room?" Kris added angrily. 

"I have no idea." Henry said, scared and backing away from them. 


"I- I'm sorry" Henry whispered. 

"Show me your arm. Now." Jake said. Henry noticed the shattered vase on the floor. He must've thrown it.  

"No." Henry said. 

"Show. me." Jake demanded. 

"No- please NO" Henry pleaded as Jake forcefully pushed up Henry's sleeve to look at the slightly bloody gauze covering his arm.   

"I KNEW IT! YOURE SICK!" Jake shouted. Jake tried to punch Henry, but ended up missing when Henry ducked. Jake kicked Henry's ribs, then shoved him over forcefully. He fell to the ground. 

"Ow..." Henry let out. Jake lunged toward Piper. 

"Don't you dare fucking touch her" Henry said angrily. Jake backed off with rage in his eyes and kicked Henry again instead. Henry winced and clutched his torso. Jake and Kris went back to yelling at each other. 

After a few moments, he managed to get up. He ran over and grabbed Piper.  

"We need to get out of here." He said in her ear.  

"How?" Piper asked 

"My boss is outside, quick, c'mon." Henry said. Their parents were too busy arguing with each other to notice right away when they ran out the front door. Ray was walking up to the porch. He heard screaming and got worried. He became infinitely more scared when he saw the two with fear in their eyes, running out of the house. 

"Ray we need to go now" Henry said frantically. They ran to the car and got in. Henry sat in the back with Piper this time, holding her while she cried. 

"Are you guys hurt?" Ray asked. 

"I think Pipers okay, I'm hurt though" Henry said. 

"Don't tell me he touched you" Ray said, anger in his voice. 

"He kicked me and pushed me to the ground, Ray" Henry said, one arm around Piper and one holding his rib. 

"I'm gonna kill him" Ray said, speeding away from the house. 

"Yeah, yeah Ray right now we just need somewhere to go. Piper I'm gonna have to go away for a while, I'll call Charlotte and see if you can stay with her." 

"But I want to be with you-" 

"Pipes I'm not gonna be okay for awhile, We'll still see each other but I think it's better you stay with Charlotte" 

"Wait where are you gonna stay?" 

"Ray?" Henry said, looking at Ray in the driver's seat. 

"With me." Ray answered, smiling at Henry. 

"Yeah I'll stay with Charlotte" Piper said, laughing a little. 

"Hey!" Henry and Ray said in unison. 

"Can you blame me?" Piper said sarcastically 

"She's right dude we're kind of annoying" Henry said to Ray. 

"Okay true" Ray admitted. 

The truth is, Henry didn't want Piper to see the full extent of how bad he was feeling lately. His bad nights, his scars, any of it. Lately that was for his and Ray's eyes only. He texted Charlotte. 

Henry: Stuff just went down at home. Mind if Piper stays with you for a while? im crashing in the man cave    

Charlotte: No problem :) You guys ok? call me if you need to talk alright?   

Henry: I've been worse. Pipes is fine but a little shaken up :( and thank you ily <3 

Charlotte: ilyt <3 glad you're out of there at least 

Henry: me too 

They all drove to Charlotte's house first. When Piper got out, so did Henry. He hugged her. 

"Call me tonight okay?" Henry said 

"Okay... and Henry..." Piper glanced down at Henry's arm.

"...I'm sorry I didn't notice" She continued. 

"It's not your fault, I hid it from you on purpose. I didn't want you to worry." 

"Just... please be safe." 

"I'm gonna get better, I promise." Henry said. 

Piper smiled at him. He watched as she walked inside and got back in the car. He gave Ray a sad smile and they drove off.   


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