I could never hate you

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Henry woke up the next morning in bed. He looked around and realized Ray was probably already up and had moved him here from the hallway. He walked out the door and saw Jasper and Charlotte's note on the ground. Reading it, he smiled to himself. He walked around to look for Ray, who he eventually found on the U couch in the man cave.  

Henry walked over and put the note on the table, then sat down. 

"Morning." Henry said, taking out his phone. Ray smiled. 

"Good morning" Ray said, happy that they were both doing okay after the previous night. Ray had already read the note.  

"I gotta run to the store, are you okay here or do you wanna come?" Ray asked. 

"I'll stay here." Henry said, looking up from his phone. 

"You sure?" Ray asked, unsure if Henry would really be fine alone. 

"Yeah," Henry smiled subtly, "I'll be okay, I promise" 

"Okay, I'll be back soon" Ray said, standing up to leave. 

Once Ray was gone, Henry wasn't sure what to do. Eventually he settled on playing video games on the monitors.  He zoned out and played the game until Ray got back. 

When Ray eventually returned through the elevator, he found Henry with his headset on, playing some game he'd never seen. Henry didn't realize Ray was back. 

Ray took out his phone and took a picture of Henry from behind him. You couldn't see his face, only the back of his head and his hands in front of him, holding the controllers. He was wearing Ray's black hoodie and sitting with his legs crossed on the spinny chair. Ray loved taking pictures of Henry when he wasn't looking, even though he knew it bothered him a little. He just looked so peaceful with his messy hair and his too big clothes. Ray saw that the game ended and tapped on Henry's shoulder. Henry jumped up and turned to face Ray. 

"You scared me!" Henry said loudly, pretending to be mad but breaking it with a smile. Ray messed up Henry's hair, and laughed.  

"I know," Ray said. "Look, I took this picture of you" 

Henry looked at the picture and shook his head. 

"How did I not notice you?" 

"Maybe cause you're clueless," Ray said, knowing Henry wouldn't take it to heart. 

Henry tried his best to look offended. "No I am not!" He couldn't hold back a laugh as he saw Ray's raised eyebrows. 

"Ok maybe I am" Henry admitted. 

"Anyways, your face isn't in it. Should I post it to the Captain Man twitter account? People love seeing you in the man cave." Ray said, handing the phone to Henry so he could look it over before approving. Henry stared at the picture for a few seconds. 

"Sure," He said once he didn't see anything wrong with it. 

"I'm captioning it 'kd is a gamer boi'" Ray said, laughing. 

"I swear to God Ray, you better not" Henry glared at him a little and then tried to grab the phone out of his hands when he realized he wasn't even joking. Ray clicked the button to post it. 

"Uh oh, too late" Ray said, shrugging. He was glad they could joke around again. 

"I'm gonna get you back for that one" Henry threatened. 

They spent the rest of the day distracted and goofing around, and eventually inviting Jasper and Charlotte over, since they had missed them yesterday when they came over. 

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