Wake up

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"I'm bored." Henry said, still in bed. He sounded congested.
"I know, but you have to rest." Ray said sympathetically. 
"Please, can we just do something?" Henry pleaded.
"Do you wanna invite Jasper and Charlotte, and maybe Piper over?"
Henry didn't even think before answering.
"No? Not really, no." Henry said, feeling bad, but knowing he could be honest. He didn't want to feel crowded right now.
"Hey, that's okay. I get it. We could do something else." Ray said. Looking at Henry, he could see how miserable he was.
"Lets just watch tv, is that okay?" Ray asked. Henry sat up.
"Yeah that's okay." Henry said. They watched old Drake and Josh episodes until Henry fell asleep at 7pm, sitting up, head on Ray's shoulder. He was exhausted.
Ray was half asleep himself when he felt Henry lift his head off of his shoulder and get out of the bed. It didn't completely register in Ray's mind what happened until Henry was already on the floor, his head in the trash can. He silently prayed Ray would wake up and come help, and a second later Ray quickly got out of bed and sat next to Henry, trying to comfort him as he heaved. This lasted a few minutes. Ray didn't mind. He just stroked Henry's back and tried to keep himself awake. Henry finally lifted his head up and leaned into Ray, shivering. 
"Are you okay?" Ray whispered, holding Henry.
Henry didn't answer, he just let Ray hold him and closed his eyes. Ray pulled a blanket off the bed with one arm and wrapped it over Henry's shoulders, pulling him back closer to him. Henry's shaking slowed to a stop. Neither of them made a move to stand up, so they just sat on the floor for a while, the tv still quietly playing in the background.
Once Ray felt Henry's breathing slow down, he knew Henry wasn't gonna get up himself. He glanced down at him and saw that his eyes were closed. Henry was still secretly half awake as Ray lifted him and layed him down on the bed. Though his thoughts were almost incoherent as he was drifting to sleep, he felt glad to have Ray there taking care of him in the final moment before he fell asleep completely.
Ray covered Henry with a blanket, noticing how tired he looked as his face shone white and blue from the TV screen. 
The next morning, the two of them woke up around the same time. Henry stood up, about to take a shower and then sat back down for no apparent reason. Ray got up and walked up to him. Henry tried to stand again, this time holding Ray's arm for support. Ray helped him stay upright. Henry felt overwhelmingly dizzy, and his vision was blurring.
"Are you alright Hen?" Ray asked.
Henry tried to shake his head, but it made him feel worse.
"No." He managed to say. He pressed his forehead into Ray's chest. 
"What's wrong?" Ray asked quietly.
"Dizzy." Was all Henry said.
Ray helped him sit back down.
"You don't have to get up yet. Let me get you some water." Ray said, trying to leave to go get a glass of water, but Henry still had a firm grip on his arm.
"Henry, c'mon. I'll be right back, I promise." Ray said. He felt bad, but it was only a second.
Henry let go reluctantly and Ray left. Henry put his head in his hands and tried to think straight. Ray came back with a cup of water and sat next to Henry while he drank it.
When he was done he looked at Ray.
"I feel a little better." Henry said. Ray just hugged him, glad he was alright. Henry hugged back and didn't let go for a long time. He didn't say anything, but Ray knew Henry was thankful that he was there for him. They understood each other well enough to not have to say anything. 

this is how sick and wired shoulda went just saying

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