Not ok

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Henry slept until 11:00 the next morning. When he first woke up, he didn't remember that he was sick. Then it all came crashing back to him. Ray hadn't left Henry's side the whole time he slept. 

"Morning." Ray said, smiling at Henry's messed up hair.   

"Ray." Henry said, trying to communicate how sad he was that he was sick. Ray got it. Not a single part of Ray judged Henry for being so dramatic about a cold, because he was exactly the same way the one time he got sick.  

"Henry." Ray said as Henry looked up at him. 

"Sick." Henry said, his voice muffled as he rolled over and pushed his face into the pillow. 

"Do you need anything?" Ray asked, feeling bad there was nothing he could really do to help.  

"A hug." Henry said, still lying face down on the pillow. He started to sit up slowly and Ray hugged him. Henry rested his head on Ray's shoulder and didn't let go. 

Henry stayed in bed the whole day, and Ray sat next to him for most of the day. He would occasionally go and get Henry food or water or tissues. Henry couldn't focus on anything the whole time because he was too annoyed at his symptoms. 

"Are you okay?" Ray asked for the millionth time that day, as Henry blew his nose. His nose was now red and looked like it hurt. 

"Obviously not." Henry said, not rudely. He sounded monotone. 

Ray had lied down and was using Henry's arm as a pillow when Henry quickly reached down the grab the trashcan next to the bed and pull it towards him. He threw up in it as Ray sat up and put a hand on Henry's shoulder. 

Henry lifted his head out of the trash can slowly, looking ahead. Then he dropped it back down out of exhaustion. His head was spinning. 

"Henry, I'm here." Ray said. 

Henry slowly put the trashcan back down onto the floor and dropped his head onto Ray's shoulder. He let out a few tears secretly and then wiped them off. He didn't need Ray worrying more about him.  

Ray held Henry as he tried to recover from throwing up. Henry looked exhausted. Ray just let Henry take his time. 

"Thank you." Henry said, so quietly Ray could barely make out the words. 

Ray didn't say anything. He wasn't sure how to respond. Should he just take it or tell Henry how he was just doing what any friend would? How he loved him and would do anything for him? How he understood? He said none of that. 

"You're a good friend." Henry added. 

Ray was close to tears. Henry was so used to everyone treating him horribly that it meant that much to him that Ray would comfort him while sick. Or maybe Ray was looking too much into it. Either way, Ray felt really grateful for Henry in that moment. 

"So are you. That's why I'm here." Ray said. Henry glanced up at him and smiled a little.  

"Can I just stay here all day?" Henry asked groggily, referring to the bed.  

"I'm not going anywhere." Ray said, glad Henry was there with him. 

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