Open the Door Henry

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Henry opened his eyes slowly as he woke up, staring at the ceiling of Ray's dimly lit room. Ray. Henry sat up in bed. Ray wasn't there. He looked around the room. Nothing. Before he could get worried, he realized there was talking coming from the other room. 

"You're not a father at all!" 


"Henry's old enough to make his own decisions, and the way you treat him is not okay. He's not ever going back to you. I care about him way too much to ever let that happen." 

Henry could hear quiet muffled sounds in response. Ray must've been on the phone with someone. With Henry's dad.  

"He's staying with me and that's it! I'm never letting you lay a finger on him again"   

Ray sounded angry now. Henry was scared. He ran to the man cave bathroom and locked the door behind him. He turned his back to the door and slid down it until he was on the floor with his knees against his chest. He started to cry as quietly as he could, but he felt incredibly sad and alone. Ray was out there fighting for him. His father wanted to get him back. To hurt him again. What if he found him? What if he found Piper? Henry was shaking. He couldn't contain it anymore and was letting out loud sobs. All he wanted to do was to cut. To destroy himself. He needed to bleed more than anything. He grabbed his wrist and scratched at it violently. Tears streamed down his face. He couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed the blade out of his pocket. Ray hadn't taken it away. Having the control over his choices made Henry feel a little more human. He screamed another loud cry, it was almost a call for help. He looked at his arm, then his blade. 

Ray heard the racket from the other room and hung up the phone to rush over. He knocked on the door. 

Henry was just about to restart all his progress when Ray knocked. 

"Henry?" Ray called gently, "Are you alright in there?" 

"N-no, Ray" Henry let out a choked sob as he rocked back and forth on the floor, blade in hand. 

"I'm here Hen, can you take a deep breath for me?" 

"o-okay Ray" 

Henry tried and struggled to take slow breath. He finally managed.  

"Good job Hen, would it be okay if I come in?" Ray asked, impatient to go in there and make sure Henry wasn't hurting himself. He didn't show it though, he knew that wouldn't help Henry. 

Henry sobbed and then reached up to unlock the door. His hands shook as he twisted the lock. Ray opened the door a little, slowly. Henry had moved over and was against the other wall now. Ray looked at Henry. He was on the floor, eyes red and his face covered in tears. He was shaking. Ray walked in and sat next to him. He pushed some of Henry's hair out of his face and put his arm around him, scratching Henry's back lightly. 

Henry scratched at his wrists violently. 

"I-I wanna cut Ray, please help... I really need to, I can't do this" Henry said, exasperated.  

"Shhh you're okay Hen, you can do this. I know you can do this. I'm so proud of you." 

Henry sobbed, Ray gently took the blade out of Henry's hand and replaced it with his own hand, squeezing Henry's palm. Ray took out his phone and started to play Henry's favorite song. They shared Ray's earbuds while the song blasted through them. Ray could feel Henry's breathing slow as he leaned against him. 

"I'm sorry you had to hear that earlier." Ray said quietly after the song stopped.

"'s okay Ray.... I just- Is he gonna make me leave you?" Henry asked. 

"I'll fight with everything I have to make sure you never, ever, have to go back to your dad. You're safe now. He can't reach you here." 

"I'm so happy I have you Ray. Thank you for protecting me." Henry said, looking in Ray's eyes to try and communicate just how grateful he really was. Henry hoped Ray was right. He trusted him, but he also knew how insane his parents could get. He shivered at the thought of going back to his old house and held onto Ray as tight as he could. Ray wrapped his arms around Henry, reassuring Henry that he would be okay

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